Playing Book Trivia with Cherie Burbach, Author of Painting the Psalms

It’s time to play... 
Periodically, we scour the Internet for interesting authors who would like to play Book Trivia with us.  By answering our book trivia questions, we get to learn things about the author no one else knows!  So, let’s get ready…let’s play…Book Trivia!

Today our guest author is Cherie Burbach, author of the new Christian Nonfiction, Painting the Psalms. 

Thank you for playing Book Trivia with us!  Here are your questions:

In the movie Castaway, if Tom Hanks unearthed a copy of Painting the Psalms, how would that help Tom find a way off the island?

Tom would find inspiration looking at all the mixed media art images in Painting the Psalms and this would give him the hope he needs to get off the island. (He’d also enjoy reading the short stories included to Wilson.) LOL

You have a chance to appear on the hit talent show for authors, American Book Idol, and the mighty judges will determine whether your book will make it to Hollywood and become a big screenplay.  What would impress them more – your book cover, an excerpt or your best review – and why?

Since this is a book featuring my art, I’d have to say the cover would pull them in and give me a chance. American Book Idol judges know the value of a good visual when it comes to the written word.

You have five seconds to tell us who the greatest author of all time is.  In your opinion, who would that be?

I’d spend that five seconds telling you that’s not enough time to list all the authors I think are great. I mean, really… the greatest? I can give you a couple I really admire. Mary Oliver, Maya Angelou, Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes… Do you get the impression I like the poets? ha!

Okay, more seconds please…. I like a wide variety of authors: Elinor Lipman, Barry Eisler, Karen Harper, Philippa Gregory, Pearl Buck, J. D. Salinger, Willa Cather, A.S. Byatt, Lawrence Block… and so many more, I can’t even.

The Arbor Day Foundation has decided to pick one tree in your honor because of your writing brilliance.  What kind of tree is it and why did they choose that tree in relation to your book?

A green olive tree because of Psalm 52:8 which says, “But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.” 
Also, olive trees are inspiring and pretty interesting. They can live for a very long time (thousands of years!), they are hearty, steady producers, and don’t need much water.

Finally, you just got word that your book has received the 2019 NY Times Bestselling Book Award and you have to attend the ceremony at the Four Seasons Hotel in Manhattan.  Anyone who’s anyone will be there and it’s your shot for stardom.  On stage, you must give an acceptance speech.  What would you say and who would you thank?

I’d thank God (of course!) because of His constant patience, for loving me for exactly the person I am, and for providing us his inspired word. 

Book Blurb:

In Painting the Psalms, artist Cherie Burbach shares original, mixed-media paintings that contain a positive, faith-filled message. Each painting contains inspiration from the Psalms in some way, through the imagery, words, or emotion contained within the verses. Cherie uses a variety of mediums and techniques to create art that is filled with depth and whimsy. It is her hope that this book will inspire you to look at the Psalms in a new way so you can celebrate your faith and believe in the message. Some of the paintings were created during Cherie’s popular “Painting the Psalms” series of ecourses, where she demonstrates step-by-step progress from start to finish, including all the small details that make mixed media paintings come alive with texture and color.

