🎤Interview with Lindy S. Hudis Author Hollywood Underworld #AuthorInterview

Lindy S. Hudis is an award winning filmmaker, author and actress. Lindy is a graduate of New York University, where she studied drama at Tisch School of the Arts. She also performed in a number of Off-Off Broadway theater productions while living in New York City.

She is the author of several titles, including her romance suspense novel, Weekends, her “Hollywood” story City of Toys, and her crime novel, Crashers.

In addition, she has written several erotic short stories, including “The S&M Club”, “The Backstage Pass”, “Guitar God”, “The Guitarist”, and “The Mile High Club”.

Her short film “The Lesson”, which she wrote, produced and directed, has won numerous awards, including ‘Best Short Film’ at the Paris International Film Festival, The Beverly Hills Arthouse Film Festival and the San Fransisco International Film Festival.

She is also an actress, having appeared in the indie film Expressionism, the television daytime drama “Sunset Beach”, also “Married with Children” , “Beverly Hills 90210” and the feature film “Indecent Proposal” . She and her husband, Hollywood stuntman Stephen Hudis, have formed their own production company called Impact Motion Pictures, and have several projects and screenplays in development. She lives in California with her husband and two children.

Her latest release, “Hollywood Underworld – A Hollywood Series” is the first installment of a crime, mystery series.

Website & Social Media:

Website/Blog ➜  https://lindyinparadise.wordpress.com/

Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/Lindyscribe

Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/LindyScribe/

Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/lindys.hudis 

Goodreads ➜ https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6470478.Lindy_S_Hudis

What are your first remembrances of showing signs you wanted to be a writer?

Lindy: I have always loved reading and have always had a huge book collection. I still do!  I

remember very well back int school h having read all the Judy Blume books (one of my first inspirations to be a writer) then moving on to Stephen King, Jackie Collins and many others. One day, while pregnant with my daughter, I was sitting at home, alone, and bored so I decided to start writing. I just wrote pages and pages to have something to do. The next thing I knew, I have about two hundred pages! My Father-In-law is the Late, Great English writer Norman Hudis. I showed him my pages to get his professional opinion and he told me I “had potential”. That was enough for me to give writing a go! So, I just went for it, and I have never looked back.

Can you give us a little background into how you became an actress?

Lindy: I studied drama and creative writing while I was at New York University/Tisch School of the Arts. I have always had a bit of a flair for the dramatic. I did mostly theater and Off-Off-Broadway productions while living in NYC then I came out here to Los Angeles to seek film and commercial work. An acting background is very helpful when developing my characters, as my stories are very character driven. I do tend to get a bit emotionally invested in my characters, but I guess that comes with the territory.

Did you want to be an actress when you were a child?

Lindy: Oh, it’s so funny. As a child I loved Laugh-In and especially Lily Tomlin’s “Ringie Dingie” character. I was bitten by the acting bug at a very young age and got involved with the Children’s Theater group in my town. I just love creative arts. My parents took me to see the Tom Sawyer musical movie with the amazing Jodie Foster as Becky Thatcher. She was, and is, my acting idol. She had two Oscars because she could do nothing wrong.

Tell us about your day-to-day life. Do you work outside the home besides acting?

Lindy: My days start early, 5:00 am usually. As an animal lover, I have many pets. They all want breakfast, need to potty and tend to jump on me in the wee hours. My daughter is in summer school and plans to attend film school in the fall. My son practices his drums, and my husband practices his music. We have an artistic family all the way around. I start with a cup of coffee in the morning and a glass of wine in the evening. I also try to get some writing done. I am putting the finishing touches on a horror screenplay that my hubby and I wrote last year.

Do you believe your background in acting helped you write your latest book, Hollywood Underworld?

Lindy: Absolutely, in an artistic sense and regarding life experience as well. HOLLYWOOD UNDERWORLD is the first in a series about Tinseltown and the many lives of the people who live and work there. It’s a crime fiction story. If it were a film, it would be considered Film Noir. It’s about a courageous single mom and personal manager who gets help from a very handsome crime boss to find a missing actor client of hers. The inspiration came from my years as an actress in Hollywood back in the 90’s. It was a different world then, before the internet, so a young actress could easily find herself in many precarious situations, and I did! I wanted to take the reader on an adventure through the dark and seedy underworld of this magical, glittering place. So many people who love movies (myself included) have no idea of what goes on behind the scenes. Harvey Weinstein is just the tip of the iceberg. I never met him (Thank God) but I men plenty of others.

What would you like to do that you haven't done before regarding anything this world has to offer?

Lindy: I have always wanted to attend the Cannes Film Festival. I have friends that go every year, and they post their pictures on social media. I must admit, I am jealous. So, I will stick to local film festivals in the Hollywood area. Other than that, I have pretty much done what I have set out to do.

If you had a superpower, what would that be?

Lindy: To be able to fly, although I might get air sick. I have always been intrigued by the phenomenon of telekinesis (“Carrie” by Stephen King is one of my favorites, the film and the book). However, that may seem to be a curse more than a blessing.

Who is your hero?

Lindy: Myself. I am a childhood trauma survivor and have been on an amazingly difficult healing journey. It has taken me decades to develop self-help and self-love to get to where I am today. I wanted to heal and be the mother to my children that I didn’t have. It takes time, but it’s so worth it.

Lastly, do you feel you have accomplished most things you wanted to accomplish?

Lindy: I’m still working on it, lol. My husband and I have several screenplays that we have written. We have several different genres such as action, thriller, horror, drama and even a comedy. We got very lucky as we entered our screenplay, CRASHERS (also my book) into the Sherman Oaks Screenplay Competition. The screenplay was an official selection and, although it didn’t win, we got great literary representation out of the contacts we made. CRASHERS is currently in development with Face 2 Face Productions, as our manager is also a producer. I am still very ambitious and have never given up on my Hollywood Dream!



The Beauty of Tribulation l Official Book Teaser Trailer



The Beauty of Tribulation was written to provide answers based upon scripture to help us understand things such as:

  • The purpose of tribulation in the life of a believer.
  • Reasons why it is necessary.
  • How God uses it for our edification and his glory.
  • How God is not the author of our tribulation.

At the root of it, the greatest purpose is to depict the beauty of our painful, frustrating, and most hopeless moments when we allow God to complete the work he is trying to accomplish through them. As you turn the pages of this book you will be taken on a journey that will delve you deep into the tribulation process and come away with a firm understanding of it, perhaps like never before. Every premise is backed with scripture, focused on what the bible says rather than my own ideas.

J.A. Cox hopes that all who read will walk away with a greater appreciation and devotion toward the Lord in regard to this troublesome subject and inevitable part of our lives.


“…I think The Beauty of Tribulation will be relevant for Christians seeking a deeper understanding of their faith, as well as for those grappling with questions about the presence of evil in the world and the nature of divine justice. Cox’s approach which blends insightful queries, scriptural citations, and logical explanations, facilitates a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. The book encourages a connection to the experiences of Jesus and offers a perspective on suffering as a path to dignity and honor, both in heaven and on earth. Its insightful and reflective nature makes it a valuable read for people looking to deepen their understanding of Christian theology and the human experience within it.” – The Literary Titan

You can pick up your copy at Amazon or Kobo.

About the Author

J.A. Cox is a husband, father and disabled veteran. He is passionate about Jesus Christ and has a desire to allow God to use his writing to bring glory to his name and reach others for him. His other passions lie in: 1) Empowering people by teaching about things that he is knowledgeable in in a simple and fun as well as interesting manner. 2)Inspiring others that they may realize how the true potential to overcome their perceived dilemma lies right between their ears and how they allow it to manipulate what their eyes behold. 3) Helping people to realize that being healthy truly begins with realizing how important it is for them to be intimately acquainted with their own body in order for others to help them resolve its maladies that beset it. Along with those, he enjoys entertaining with fiction based on the concept that fact is stranger than fiction and then stretching it just a tad to create some memorable page turning moments that you will likely recall for some time to come.

Author Links  

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Playing Book Trivia with Evy Journey, Author of the Historical Fiction/Women's Fiction Mystery THE GOLDEN MANUSCRIPTS: A NOVEL


It’s time to play Book Trivia!  
Periodically, we scour the Internet for interesting authors who would like to play Book Trivia with us.  By answering our book trivia questions, we get to learn things about the author no one else knows!  So, let’s get ready…let’s play…Book Trivia!

Today our guest author is Evy Journey, author of the women's fiction, The Golden Manuscripts: A Novel.

Thank you for playing Book Trivia with us! 

In the movie Castaway, if Tom Hanks unearthed a copy of The Golden Manuscripts, how would that help Tom find a way off the island?

The castaway has a problem to solve—going home. Like the main characters in my book, he would learn how to be patient, to assess his situation and gather as much information as he can. Weeding out irrelevant and unhelpful clues, he can further assess possible solutions and what each would entail.

Everyone knows Miley Cyrus is the wild child in the music business.  But she read your book and wants to let you know that it changed her life for the better.  Why did your book give Miley a new lease on life?

I assume the main character’s journey of self-discovery must have resonated with Miley. Being thrust into the limelight at an early age is similar to Clarissa’s having to navigate many bewildering cultures in different cities as she grew up. Miley has to deal with the discombobulating effects of her celebrity life, and just as Clarissa does so immersed in the art of illustrated books, Miley can do it thru her music performances.

You are being pulled over for speeding. When the officer asks you for your license and you discover you left it at home, you decide to pull out your book instead. What do you tell the officer?

I’m truly sorry, officer. I’m just an absent-minded writer. Here’s my new book. The picture in the Author Page will prove it. Would you like a copy in exchange for the citation you’re about to give me? I can sign it if you want.

You have a chance to appear on the hit talent show for authors, American Book Idol, and the mighty judges will determine whether your book will make it to Hollywood and become a big screenplay.  What would impress them more – your book cover, an excerpt or your best review – and why?

An excerpt gives them a more intimate sense of what the book is all about, and how it could be made into a movie. The judges might also be impressed to learn how’s it’s based on actual events. An excerpt is more likely than a review or a book cover to do that.

A homeless man was caught stealing your book out of a bookstore. When asked why he did it, he opened the book and pointed a passage out. What was that passage?

There’s serenity in shared silences like this that reawakens my memory of a Zen passage I read once, a calming passage teeming with implications:

“Sitting quietly, doing nothing,

Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself.”

Finally, you just got word that your book has received the 2023 NY Times Bestselling Book Award and you have to attend the ceremony at the Four Seasons Hotel in Manhattan.  Anyone who’s anyone will be there and it’s your shot for stardom.  On stage, you must give an acceptance speech.  What would you say and who would you thank?

There’s a quote from science fiction writer Ursula Le Guin that’s forever etched in my mind: “The unread story is not a story; it is little black marks on wood pulp. The reader, reading it, makes it live: a live thing, a story.”

I would like to thank all the readers who gave life to my story. You alone made this award happen. Knowing you’re out there to share this particular journey is what I need to keep writing.


Evy Journey writes. Stories and blog posts. Novels that tend to cross genres. She’s also a wannabe artist, and a flâneuse. Evy studied psychology (M.A., University of Hawaii; Ph.D. University of Illinois). So her fiction spins tales about nuanced characters dealing with contemporary life issues and problems. She believes in love and its many faces. Her one ungranted wish: To live in Paris where art is everywhere and people have honed aimless roaming to an art form. She has visited and stayed a few months at a time.

Author Links  

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads


A young woman of Asian/American parentage has lived in seven different countries and is anxious to find a place she could call home. An unusual sale of rare medieval manuscripts sends her and Nathan—an art journalist who moonlights as a doctor—on a quest into the dark world of stolen art.  For Clarissa, these ancient manuscripts elicit cherished memories of children’s picture books her mother read to her, nourishing a passion for art.  When their earnest search for clues whisper of old thieves and lead to the unexpected, they raise more questions about an esoteric sometimes unscrupulous art world that defy easy answers.   Will this quest reward Clarissa with the sense of home she longs for? This cross-genre literary tale of self-discovery, art mystery, travel, and love is based on the actual theft by an American soldier of illuminated manuscripts during World War II.
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