Today our guest author is Patrick Kelley, author of the nonfiction reference series, Godzilla: The Monster Fight Record.
Thank you for playing Book Trivia with us!
In the movie Castaway,
if Tom Hanks unearthed a copy of Grace And The Golden Rule,
how would that help Tom find a way off the island?
It wouldn't, though my book would probably make Tom even more scared and hopeless on the island. If he read the sections about Ebirah, Horror of the Deep and Son of Godzilla, he'd probably freak out over the idea of him trapped on an island that potentially has giant monsters lurking nearby.
Everyone knows Miley
Cyrus is the wild child in the music business.
But she read your book and wants to let you know that it changed her
life for the better. Why did your book give
Miley a new lease on life?
I imagine she probably read about Godzilla's epic victory dance from the section on Invasion of Astro-Monster and
wanted to incorporate it into her routine. This led to her doing a deep
dive into the series and leading a more low key existence pursuing her
new hobby.
You are being pulled over for speeding. When the officer asks you for your license and you discover you left it at home, you decide to pull out your book instead. What do you tell the officer?
Officer, as part of my sobriety test, I am going to read passages from my book for you.
That would get me out of trouble, right?
You have a chance to
appear on the hit talent show for authors, American Book Idol, and the mighty
judges will determine whether your book will make it to Hollywood and become a big screenplay. What
would impress them more – your book cover, an excerpt or your best review – and
I think the subject matter would impress them the most. Who else would go to the trouble of developing a win-loss methodology and record for a series of monster movies?
A homeless man was caught stealing your book out of a bookstore. When asked why he did it, he opened the book and pointed a passage out. What was that passage?
"...you owe it to yourself to read this book." (on Page 12). He probably took the quote out of context and decided to walk with the book. I can understand the confusion.
Finally, you just got
word that your book has received the 2013 NY Times Bestselling Book Award and
you have to attend the ceremony at the Four Seasons Hotel in Manhattan. Anyone who’s anyone will be
there and it’s your shot for stardom. On stage, you must give an
acceptance speech. What would you say and who would you thank?
am not a huge fan of public speaking, so I would keep it short and
sweet. However, I would definitely make time to thank the important
influences that led to the creation of my book. That list includes my
lovely wife Jessica, who encouraged me every step of the way; my parents
who encouraged this silly hobby of mine that I used to create my own
monster, this book; my oldest brother Boomer who introduced me to
Godzilla in the first place; and everyone who ever participated in
making a Godzilla movie as they created the legacy that inspired me to
write the book.
Patrick Kelley was born and raised in Silver Spring, Maryland, and is a lifelong monster movie fan. He spent his childhood becoming familiar with the classics like Dracula, The Wolf Man, Frankenstein, King Kong, the works of Ray Harryhausen, and of course his favorite, Godzilla. His many other hobbies include sports (particularly Football), movies, and television, but when he’s not indulging in those activities, he enjoys spending time with his lovely wife and newborn daughter.
Visit Patrick on Twitter at http://twitter.com/patrickgbook.
Godzilla: The Monster Fight Record is a two-volume series that provides a history of all the monster battles throughout the Godzilla film series. After seven decades and almost forty films, Godzilla has earned the title of King of the Monsters. The Godzilla films have showcased the King’s legendary battles with larger-than-life opponents like the three-headed King Ghidorah, the winged guardian Mothra, his robotic doppelganger Mechagodzilla, and the original giant monster star King Kong. The Monster Fight Record analyzes these titanic battles to determine an informed and accurate win-loss record for Godzilla and all of his monster co-stars. Fans of kaiju and classic science fiction films will enjoy a trip down memory lane while also getting a sports-style analysis of the monster battles, complete with statistics and win percentages for each beast.
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