Today our guest author is Jamie Linn Saloff, author of the self-help Hatch: A Change Your Life Guide. Jamie is passionate about aiding fiercely independent, misfit, square pegs trapped in an unfulfilling life. Author, teacher, story weaver, spiritual counselor, seer of visions, pathfinder, for over thirty years Jamie’s taught how to reignite your heart by listening to your body groan and your soul weep. She is the author of twelve books including Hatch: A Change Your Life Guide and her Marvelous Messages™ series.
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Thank you for playing Book Trivia with us!
In the movie Castaway, if Tom Hanks unearthed a copy of Hatch: A Change Your Life Guide, how would that help Tom find a way off the island?
At first, “Chuck” (Tom Hanks) would cast off the idea that Hatch might be of any help. It doesn’t tell you how to forage for food. It can’t be used as a search light or life raft. But what he might discover after a period of time is that it can help you think out of the box. And after Chuck tried all the common ways to find help, he realized he might have to do something radical and daring. So he did. And in a way, that is what Hatch is asking readers to do as well.
Everyone knows Miley Cyrus is the wild child in the music business. But she read your book and wants to let you know that it changed her life for the better. Why did your book give Miley a new lease on life?
Miley Cyrus reminds me a little bit of Madonna. At first, she put herself out there as the bad girl the media loved to gossip about. She had to escape the negative vibes of dad’s Achy Breaky Heart song, (which I loved from the start!). As she matured, so did her actions and her music. Nowadays, you find her mimicking the singers of the past like fav Blondie and others. I think for Miley, Hatch might have been that trigger leading her to find herself, being able to make decisions that are right for her rather than what the fans/media/agents/producers want of her. Now, she realizes her full potential and can be a musical artist for the long term, or decide that she wants to go on to do other things. It’s now her decision, and she can follow her heart.
You are being pulled over for speeding. When the officer asks you for your license and you discover you left it at home, you decide to pull out your book instead. What do you tell the officer?
Having known and been friends with some fine officers, I’m pretty sure showing them a book would not be at all helpful in real life. (But for fun. . . ) Police officers often see us at our worst. They see some of the bad in the world we may only hear whispers about. We may see it portrayed on tv or in movies. It’s not the same as being there. They see it in real life. But maybe Hatch would remind them that we all have potential to do better, be better. Even the drugies. Even the wife beaters. Even the murderers. Will they? Can they? Not all will. We know that. But sometimes just knowing even the worst offenders have the power to better themselves—that can change how you see and react to another person.
You have a chance to appear on the hit talent show for authors, American Book Idol, and the mighty judges will determine whether your book will make it to Hollywood and become a big screenplay. What would impress them more – your book cover, an excerpt or your best review – and why?
How funny, as I know someone who is trying to create the American Book Idol! And what I know from my years in the industry is that no one of these things is going to skyrocket me to the top. A cover helps the reader to be intrigued. (Should I pick this up?) The excerpt allows the reader to decide, “is this in line with what I want to read?” The reviews can tell the reader if it’s a waste of time (it’s filled with errors!) (it’s all fluff!) or if it’s valuable (life-changing!) But in the end, it’s the whole book that either enchants the reader or not. Think about your most favorite books. . . you may have picked it for any of the above reasons, but when it becomes a cherished worn volume, it’s the words inside that fuel your love for it and inspire you to talk about it to others.
I have this funny belief about “American Idols” which is. . . how many of the winners can you actually name? Maybe if you’re a fanatic of the show, but the everyman can maybe name a handful. Would Steven Tyler have won? Mick Jagger? Pete Townshend? Ann Wilson? Joan Jett? Debbie Harry? Some of our most famous singer/celebrities would never made it in a voting contest, yet they used their passion, their persistence, their lyrics, to touch us all and to make it big. I don’t know that I would ever impress any of the “Bigs” (I had an agent once promise to get me a few bucks just so I could say I was published . . . I turned her down!) It’s not about impressing the critics. It’s about touching lives and hearts.
A homeless man was caught stealing your book out of a bookstore. When asked why he did it, he opened the book and pointed a passage out. What was that passage?
“Eventually, if you give yourself space, you learn that being a misfit is a good thing. It allows you to do things your way without others caring. You may discover you are a bit of a loner, and that’s okay. This is particularly true for creatives and those who have suffered for their uniqueness. Yet it is your uniqueness that can make you great.
It doesn’t matter what labels they put on you. You can’t change their actions. Instead, you must realize that deep down they know you’re somehow different in ways they can’t understand. Whether that means you become a target or are simply ignored, they know there is something special about you, more specifically, you’re not like them—you’re not like “everyone else.” And maybe that scares them a little because they’re afraid to step out of the crowd—and you’re not.
What they sense is that you carry traits offering you the potential to do great things, even if you don’t realize it or feel like it could ever be possible. As it turns out, some of the worst things that have happened in your past, particularly in your youth, formed the exact survival traits you need to succeed as you trod forward.”
Finally, you just got
word that your book has received the 2013 NY Times Bestselling Book Award and
you have to attend the ceremony at the Four Seasons Hotel in Manhattan. Anyone who’s anyone will be
there and it’s your shot for stardom. On stage, you must give an
acceptance speech. What would you say and who would you thank?
I love,
love, love this question. Ironically, for the longest time, I’ve had a
recurring dream where I walk out on the stage of an old theater where
every seat is filled, even the balcony. It’s standing room only. I hear
my footsteps walking across the wood stage. I step carefully in the dim
light and approach the podium where the spotlight is on me, I am in
tremendous awe of being there. The audience waits patiently as I make my
way. I’m somewhat choked up. I ask the audience how many have read my
book and nearly everyone raises their hand. Then they stand and applaud.
I have no idea what award I am receiving or what I say after that. I
only know how immensely grateful I am, and how blessed it feels to be
there. More than anything, I know that if that many people have read my
book, the world is going to be a better place because those who take my
words to heart will go on to help others do the same. Doing so is a
natural progression from finding a better life for yourself. We can
transform the world by first transforming ourselves and then those
around us. It’s hard to make a big world change. It’s much easier to
make many small changes in yourself, in turn making small changes all
around you. And when many of us do this at the same time, marvelous
things happen.
If you could, how would you change your life?
While bravely facing the motherlode of difficult life challenges, you never dreamt the result would be a soul-sucking, heart-crushing existence.
Although you try to ignore the emptiness, detachment, and feeling that you don’t belong, you rarely make changes. It just seems too impossible for so many reasons. Instead, you silenced your heart’s nagging with self-sacrifice, food stuffing, or by becoming a workaholic.
Contemplating ending her life, Jamie Saloff chose instead to hatch a new one. She knows how self-doubt and unworthiness can cloud our ability to move forward after the darkness of illness, grief, trauma, or tragedy – because she’s faced it too.
In Hatch – A Change Your Life Guide, Saloff walks readers through her step-by-step method to:
• Awaken your soul’s purpose by listening to your heart’s voice
• Find confidence in your next forward step by hearing your body speak
•See messages of guidance everywhere by learning where to look
• Uncover your future in your past by examining your ancestral heritage
• And much, much more…
“It’s a simple question “Do you wish you could change your life for the better” while the answer is an easy one – do you have any idea of how to accomplish the task? “Hatch – A Change Your Life Guide” gives you a systematic process that will take you on a journey of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing…I highly recommend this wonderful and enlightening book” – Yolanda Renee
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