Pam Kumpe struggled with confidence due to physical and verbal abuse as a child, and from repeated abuse during high school and college. As she grew older, she hid from the world and didn’t talk to many people. She stayed to herself. 

Pam didn’t know the Lord could use brokenness and turn it into a way to help others. Her books are designed to add strength to your life. To help you find your way. She hopes to remind you that you’re fearfully and wonderfully created in Christ.

Thankfully, God opened her eyes and heart to fight for freedom and to stand for truth, and He gave Pam beauty for ashes, the joy of a new day with peace. She credits the Lord with giving her a voice to encourage others who are broken.

As an author and speaker, she loves to laugh. To read. To write. To talk. Not necessarily in that order. But always in each day.

Pam writes mysteries, devotionals, ministry books, and children’s books. Each book she’s written gives way to hope, and peace, and reminds you to persevere. Her stories will take you on a road trip of the heart as she challenges you to make today count.

Pam has written an inspirational column for newspapers spanning 25 years and she’s volunteered for 11 years, teaching/holding a church service for ladies in drug/alcohol rehab. Before that, Pam served 24 years as a children’s church teacher, where her love for others grew with each lesson she’s taught. And Pam is involved in street ministry with the homeless when she’s not playing with her schnauzer, Shelby, or her grandson, Kade. 

Her latest book is the cozy mystery, Summertime Sprinkler.

You can visit her website at www.PamKumpe.com or connect with her at TwitterFacebook and Instagram.

Q: Welcome! Can you tell us a little bit about your writing background – how you got started, etc.?

I spent more than thirty years in the newspaper business, from writing articles to doing photography and writing a column. Each word led to new opportunities to write 22 books as of 2022. As a child, my words escaped into the clouds, so by the time I was in my late twenties, I decided to make the leap and type them out, let others read my words, and create stories to share with others. I’ve written for nearly 40 years, from children’s books to devotionals, to novels. I still write a newspaper column, which I’ve done for almost twenty years. 

Q: What fact about yourself would really surprise people? 

I’m involved in street ministry with the homeless and never thought I’d venture to such a walk. But after a serial killer murdered my best friend in 1981, and her husband even became homeless later, the Lord gave me a heart for those on the street. 

Q: How do you define success in writing and publishing books? 

One year, a man I’d never met turned his life over to Christ and went to drug rehab because of a devotional inside of a book I’d written from my twelve years of ministry to 100 ladies in drug rehab. Their victory stories reached his heart, and that’s a tremendous success; this man is now a Christian.

Q: Can you tell us about your new book? What’s it about, and why did you write it?

My new book, Summertime Sprinkler, is for the weary traveler, where a collision of the heart is inevitable for Beth Bender, a talk show radio host. It’s been twenty years since the terrible, horrible accident, but each year she gets the email with the reminder that she is at fault. And the reason I’ve written this book is that domestic violence awareness could help someone find freedom from abuse or give the rest of us a chance to help someone we know who is trapped.

Q: When you are not writing, how do you relax?

I relax by playing board games with my eight-year-old grandson, and letting him win is the best. I also love spending time with my husband of almost forty years of marriage and hugging my miniature schnauzer, Shelby.

Q: Please tell us why we should read your book?

For someone who feels unloved, I pray they sense God’s mercy in my novel. And for the ones who feel afraid, I pray they find courage. I hope the readers will find strength in God too, and they won’t give up that they will persevere. 

Q: What kind of advice would you give other authors just getting their feet wet?

For someone just starting to write, go for it. Type. Encourage someone. Send hope to the page. Write to be a light. Don’t give up. Take courses. Type some more. Finish a story. Then do another one.