Since Susan Berry was a young girl, she loved to write. Her imagination was filled with stories that she couldn’t write down fast enough. But it wasn’t until her grandmother had given her a Harlequin romance novel to occupy her time on a long, boring car ride, that she fell in love with reading romance. The excitement of the characters first meeting, and the dance of the heart that followed, left Susan frantically turning pages. From that day on, Susan spent her free time with her beloved grandmother, reading the latest novels they’d retrieved from a used book store, or the local second hand shop. That reading eventually turned into the writing of her own romance novels. Novels filled with characters who have not yet found love, but eventually find a way to overcome romantic troubles with humor, wit, and the consumption of lots and lots of chocolate.

Susan’s latest book is the clean romance suspense, Promise of the Heart.

You can visit her website at https://www.SusanBerryauthor.com   or connect with her on TwitterFacebook and Goodreads.

Can you tell us what your new book is about?


Susan: Hello Readers! I’d love to tell you about my newest book, Promise of the Heart. It is the third book in the Moments of the Heart series, and the continuation of the romantic love story between an independant farm girl turned city dweller and a very wealthy vineyard owner. Without giving away too

much, our heroine, Maggie must now decide how much she is willing to give of her heart and for how long.


Can you tell us a little about your main and supporting characters?


SusanMaggie is an independant, determined young woman who has suffered a tragedy in her life. And although she comes from a nurturing and loving family, she doesn’t trust easily, and she certainly doesn’t want to be entangled in the annoying trappings of romance.


    Desmond is handsome, strong willed and self-assured. A combination that has served him well in his business life. But when it comes to matters of the heart, which he has always considered a waste of his time, he has very little interest in lasting liaisons.


Your book is set in California.  Can you tell us why you chose this location in particular?


SusanI love the rolling hills of the vineyards in California with their sun-drenched grape vines. They are such a perfect backdrop for romantic afternoons and romantic novels. And I’ve often wondered about the lives of the men and women who own those vineyards. Do they have as romantic a life as I envisioned they do? Perhaps one day I’ll stop by and ask.


How long did it take you to write your book?


SusanI started writing Promise of the Heart in the fall of last year and finished in February of this year. There is so much mystery and suspense along with romance in this third book of the series that I found it exhilarating to write and wanted to savor every minute.


What has been the most pivotal point of your writing life?


SusanI think the most pivotal point of my writing career was finishing my first book, Dance of the Heart. When I was younger, I used to read Harlequin romances with my grandmother. We’d spend every weekend going to the secondhand store or the used book outlets in search of them. Some of my fondest memories of her are spending our afternoons reading and eating chocolate. But before I finished writing my first book, my beloved grandmother had passed away. The day the copy of that book arrived in the mail and I held it in my hands, I thought of her, and how thrilled she would have been to read it. I miss you Gram.


What kind of advice would you give other romance authors?


SusanWrite…write…writeWhether you publish everything you write or not, only you can write the way you write and it’s important to keep your imagination flowing. And when the day comes you get that dreaded writer's block, as we all do, my advice is eat two chocolate bars and start again in the morning. And I’m always available to help any aspiring writer. You can reach me through my website at https://www.susanberryauthor.com. Thank you for having me and I hope each of you have an enjoyable summer. It’s been an absolute pleasure telling you about myself and the books I write. Happy reading!