Interview with Fiction Author M.G. Spear #Interview #blogtour

M.G. Spear is a teacher who writes for stress relief, and currently has published multiple books with more in the works. She teaches Biology to both college and high school students, and mostly her days are filled with logic. But M.G’s creative side comes out in her writing.

M.G. has been writing for as long as she can remember and hones her craft by reading books and constantly writing. She is very eclectic in her writing passions, from general fiction to horror books, to motivational and humorous posts on her blog. Her major influences are Edgar Allen Poe, Gillian Flynn, Chuck Palahniuk, and Frank Peretti. She published her first short story collection, Jumping on the Trampoline, in 2006, but then life got in the way. Now she is back in the game, ready to bring more stories to life.



About the Book
Meet the cutest new black kitty in fiction, Pumpkin!

Like cats? Relationships? Then A Whiskered Perspective is for you.

Relationships are hard, but they are worth the effort. You should try your best, no matter what, to work things out, right? Not always.

Miller thinks she has found love but her cat, Pumpkin, tells a darker story. Not all love is equal, even if you desperately want it to be.

It’s a different take on relationship turmoil and the power of a connection between a cat and his human.


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Can you tell us what your new book is about?

It’s about a girl that gets tangled in a narcissistic relationship; she thinks things are going well but her cat tells a darker story.

I’ve had my own ups and downs in relationships; when I started to take dating seriously I read any relationship/dating book I could get my hands on for tips and pointers. Trouble is they didn’t delve into the darker stuff, at least the ones I read. So I did my own research over the years, experienced life events, and ended up with an idea to tell a darker relationship story through a cat’s perspective.

Can you tell us a little about your main and supporting characters?

Miller is a great person with self-esteem issues, so she is a prime target to get taken advantage of. She doesn’t really believe in herself.

Her cat Pumpkin, on the other hand, is a seasoned warrior. Miller rescues him and he takes it upon himself to always be there for her—he sees what a great person she is. 

Your book doesn’t really have a location.  Can you tell us why you chose this?

I purposely left the location vague in this book because this story could happen anywhere—I didn’t want people to think, well this couldn’t happen where I live. The truth is, this happens around the world.

How long did it take you to write your book?

I tend to write pretty fast, plus I am off for the summer (teacher here!), so about two and a half weeks.

During the school year I tend to not write as much, just because my classes keep me busy. When I write a book during that time it takes me longer, like a month, to have the story where I want it.

What has been the most pivotal point of your writing life?

I published my first book in 2006, but then life got in the way: I finished college, went to grad school, and started teaching. Later on I took up inventing and grappled with that for about six years, then after an almost accident I realized I wanted to get back to my first love: writing. I’d kept up with writing over the years, honing my craft, and after that experiment I felt it was time to take my writing seriously again.

What kind of advice would you give other new adult authors?

Hire a professional editor. Seriously. There is such a huuuuge difference between your relative proofreading for you and someone with such a deep command of vernacular they can literally rip your story to shreds (in a good way) and leave you with a diamond carved out of the rough. Let your relative be a beta reader. It might be tempting to think you’ve edited the story well enough yourself, or go with a free edit, but I am telling you, it makes a world of difference when you have quality, professional editing done.