You Can't Force Love Book Excerpt Tour - Excerpt #15

Author: Marie Drake  
Publisher: RedBird Books
Pages: 286  
Genre: Realistic Fiction

“A battered butterfly, he’d build Kimberly up, nurture her strength and watch her return to flight. He repressed the visions dancing in the back of his mind; her naked body brandished red flags and spurred him to stampede. Bulls and butterflies did not mix.”

Jordan Fry’s obsession is born in “You Can’t Force Love” by Marie Drake, Book I in the Locked Hearts Series.

From different towns and social backgrounds, Jordan Fry and Kimberly Orvine experience life-altering abuse, lose a parent and land in the same foster home. Angry, and self-deprecating, fiery redheaded Kimberly is deadset on lousy behavior and suffering the consequences, punishing herself for former sins. Scared by his inner darkness, pyromaniac Jordan has vowed to change for the better. He focuses on Kimberly as the key to his success, but she intends to make him break his promises. Unaware of Jordan’s atrocious actions in the past, she’s dangerously close to unleashing the evil he struggles to contain during their epic battle of wills. Can they both survive?



Book Excerpt #15 -

Paul monopolized their conversation, and Noreen never tired of his exploits as a vacuum cleaner salesman. Jordan shook his head. Vacuum cleaners; how boring could you get? Oh, the top seller in the tri-state area? Even better. Debbie patted Paul’s arm. “I’m so proud of you,” she said. He kissed her on the mouth, and she blushed; Jordan turned his head.

“Are you sure you don’t want to spend the night? It’ll be dark soon,” Noreen said.

“We’re anxious to start the trip,” Paul said; his eyes fixed on Debbie.

“I understand,” Noreen said and chuckled.

“Do you want me to help you clean up?” Debbie asked.

“No, it’ll give me something to do until Tom comes home. Go ahead; hit the road,” Noreen said. She squeezed Jordan one last time, and he forced a smile.

Jordan swung his duffel bag toward the back seat of the sedan; Paul snatched it from the air and dropped it in the trunk. He’d probably stuff me in there if he could.

“Come on, Jordan, get in the car,” Debbie said.

City lights receded, small and dim, and Jordan slumped over in the backseat; the smell of leather cleaner filled his nose. Jordan rolled forward, slammed into the front seats, and fell to the floor. “Deer,” Paul said.

Debbie clutched her chest. “Put on your seatbelt,” she told Jordan. He stared at Paul in the mirror, pulled the strap across his lap, and buckled it. A silver lining, he’d go to Florida, a place he hadn’t experienced. His eyes fell closed, and he concentrated on amusement parks and sandy beaches; ocean waves lapped the shore under a giant moon; it lulled him to sleep.

“Wake up.” A hand caressed his face; he opened his eyes, sat up, and stretched his legs. Paul hit him with his duffel bag; Debbie tugged his arm;  they crossed patchy grass and climbed to a cabin’s front porch; he waited for her to open the door. She turned back; Paul leaned against the car. Debbie rubbed Jordan’s arms. “This is for the best,” she said.

“Where are we?”

“Your grandfather’s house.”

“You said we’d go to Paul’s house first, and when he settled some of his accounts, we’d go to Florida.”

“Listen, Jordan; with your recent troubles, we agreed you’d benefit from time spent here.”

“We?” He returned Paul’s hateful glare. Jordan surveyed the yard; a fence surrounded him, and trees circumscribed the fence; a barn and a chicken coop sat beyond the cabin; he was unfamiliar with farms. “What if he doesn’t want me?”

“He’s your grandfather; of course he’ll want you.”

“Don’t leave me here alone,” Jordan said.

Debbie stepped back. “Go ahead; he leaves the door unlocked.”

“Mom, please, I don’t want to stay here,” he pleaded.

She came back and kissed his forehead, but turned and ran; Paul smirked, climbed into the car, and it disappeared.


Follow rest of tour here!

Award-winning author, Marie Drake lives in a small town near Lake Ontario with her husband, four sons, and three rescue pups. With many years of experience in the Foster Care community and advocating for other victims and survivors, she specializes in realistic and psychological fiction depicting the lives of abuse sufferers; their obstacles, their triumphs, and their downfalls.