Interview with Myron Heavin, author of Human Origins And The Bible

Can you tell us what your book is about? ( brief synopsis)

  • The Bible teaches that Adam and Eve lived about 6,000 to 8,000 years ago as documented by:      
1.                     The genealogies written in 3 separate places with only 10 generations between Adam and Noah 10 ten generations from Noah to Abram (Abraham). 
2.                     Cain founding a city (the first cities were founded about 8000 years ago),
3.                     The 8th generation of Adam which contained the fathers of those that worked metal (6000 years ago max), those that kept animals (8000 years ago max, and those that played musical instruments.
  • Paleontologists and Archeologists are finding that humans migrated out of Africa about 50,000 years ago (Native Americans perhaps 12-20,000 years ago), and
  • DNA researchers say DNA traces homo sapiens to just a single Mother (Eve) that lives perhaps 135,000 years ago.

The book examines modern theories how all these three things can be true, and evaluates leading modern theories showing they all have major issues.  The book then proposes a new bold theory to explain how to best explain the above 3 statements.

The book is about 50% bible study and 50% brief summary of current scientific research in a study format with lots of discussion questions – also suitable for small groups.

Why did you write your book?

Sometimes the Spirit of God gets hold of you and says – write.

What kind of message is your book trying to tell your readers?
        A literal interpretation of Scripture can be reconciled with science, because God wrote the Bible, and God created the Cosmos.  If God created both – then how can they disagree?  Those that disregard a literal reading of Scripture also tend to deny what we learn from studying His creation.

Who influenced you to write your book?

I took a Biola University course in Human Origins, and was disappointed that all the textbooks ignored a literal reading of Scripture, and most of the Christian textbooks ignored scripture entirely.  I then set out on a year-long quest to understanding Human Origins by deeply understanding Scripture first and then only using science in a secondary role to help interpret scripture.  All the Christian textbooks put science first while almost ignoring Scripture.

Is it hard to publish a nonfiction book?

           I hope not, as this is my first serious try, so we well will see.

Which author(s) do you admire?

   I loved James Michener, I love C.S. Lewis, I loved the “Left Behind Series (mostly as entertainment), and I have a special love of Hugh Ross.  However all of Ross current attempts to explain Human Origins have been only so-so compared to his earlier brilliant writings on astronomy and God.

Have you suffered from writer’s block and what do you do to get back on track?

I have never at any time in my life suffered by writers block because I am vision-driven (idealist).

What would you do with an extra hour today if you could do anything you wanted?

I love to dream about totally new ways of thinking about scripture – as led by the Spirit.

Which holiday is your favorite and why?

If we were to meet for lunch to talk books, where would we go?

What do you like to do for fun?
Preach, teach, study, garden, glean food for the hungry, be amazed by science.

Can you tell us about your family?

           A wonderful wife, three great children, and some outstanding grandkids.  My family also includes our small group my wife and I founded and our wonderful neighbors.

What do you like the most about being an author?

I love doing something new.  I always wanted to write, ever since college.  But first I had a 50 year career as an Aerospace Engineer at Boeing, including a recent MA degree from Talbot Theology Seminary

What kind of advice would you give other non-fiction authors?

Have something to say nobody has said before, something that you feel driven to write about.   And if you have never written before in your life – creative people really want to try something new and perhaps have more enthusiasm and original ideas.  Be driven by your vision.

About The Book

Title: Human Origins And The Bible
Author: Myron Heavin
Publisher: Redemption Press
Publication Date: July 20, 2016
Pages: 194
Genre: Christian Apologetics / Theology

An engineer takes a scientific approach to the study of human origins, and compares Scripture with the findings of current scientific discoveries and DNA research. Myron Heavin examines differing views on creation and human origins, and what the Bible has to say in Genesis 2-5. From how to read and interpret the Bible, to when Adam and Eve lived, to hominids and Neantherthals, Heavin examines the validity of various creationist viewpoints, always with the supremacy of Scripture in mind. An individual or group Bible study that uses nature and Scripture to answer questions on our origins.

Book Excerpt:

Introduction (pages IX – XI)
There is a need for a sensible discussion of how humans came to be, what recent fossil records reveal, what DNA reveals, what science has learned, and what we can learn from a careful and reasoned study of Scripture. We wish to interpret Scripture as literally as possible, since God was the real author of Scripture. God also created the heavens and the earth, and left clear footprints everywhere in nature clearly revealing to all humans that He did this. There is much passionate discussion among friends, between believers in the high schools, in the media, from the pulpit, from our politicians, etc. about both nature and religion. Most teach us today that science is king; the scientist is the wise one; advances in science and technology will lead to a better life for all; and careers in science and technology often pay well. Other people tell us religion is all-important; if the nation becomes more Christian it will succeed; and a nation that turns its back on God will surely sink into total failure. The result is a kind of polarization where religion and science are mutually contradictory, and one is the enemy of the other. Rejection of God leads to divisiveness.

It is suggested that God wrote both books, nature and Scripture, and they do not conflict with each other, but rather they help each other to a better understanding of both. It is observed that most people reject  both Scripture and science somewhat equally. They say they believe in science, but reject global warming, they reject immunizations, they are not supportive of exploration of space (NASA), they are against new developments in agriculture such as genetically-modified food, are against chlorination of drinking water, and are against even most economic theories. Likewise, most people believe in the Bible and the Ten Commandments, and literally believe the world was created in six twenty-four-hour days as they Bible says, but many say evolutionists like Darwin are from the devil. Our youth read the creation story in Genesis and the literal six days of creation and this turns them off religion entirely. 

This book takes both Scripture and nature seriously, because God wrote both books. The heart of the problem is people reject God, and this leads to rejecting equally both science and Scripture. We believers see only through a foggy mirror. It is important to be humble about what we do and what we do not know. We read and think we understand Scripture, but scripture is “living”—it speaks to us anew each time we read it. Our understandings today are often different from our understandings when we were young. Likewise, nature is “living” and our understandings are different from when we were younger. As we age, our opinions tend to harden, and we tend to become more conservative. We are always changing, always seeking, always hungry for new dialogue, but it always becomes more difficult to change. Our society, likewise, is becoming more polarized. We tend to read and see things that we already believed. When we hear something different, we somehow process it to reinforce what we believed before we heard it. Some of the greatest theologians and preachers did not do well in science and mathematics. Likewise some of the greatest scientists and engineers lack “people skills.” Perhaps this is because each believer is unique with his or her spiritual gifts and natural abilities. The scientist has trouble communicating with the theologian, and the theologian has trouble communicating with the scientist. This is further compounded by congregations that “hang” on every word their beloved preacher says; likewise, classroom students that “hang” on every word the science or engineering professor says. This tends to build up egos. Suddenly, the preacher knows more about science than the scientist; suddenly the scientist knows more about religion than the pastor. This tends to polarize society as people have trouble listening to each other. 

This book will avoid the creation issues (wars) in Genesis 1, but instead concentrate on understanding human origins in Genesis 2-5. Let’s tackle only one issue at a time, and try to understand it well. The main subject of all of Scripture is God. The main subject of Genesis 1 is God—see how God created the world! The main subject matter of Genesis 1 is not the creation, and how God created the fantastic creation. See how God is the intelligent creator; not “see how creation was intelligently created by God.” This temporary cosmos will someday be destroyed by fire, but God and those reborn will live in eternity with new bodies. Lastly, it is difficult to write anything about science and religion without later developments proving us wrong. We observe that bipedalism seemed to suddenly and miraculously appear as hominids seemed to evolve from chimpanzees, and we used this as somewhat of a proof God intervened to suddenly create a new species. When a later development finds an intermediate form, we are embarrassed. This has happened over and over each time a theologian gets too carried away by scientific specifics.

For More Information:

Human Origins And The Bible is available at AmazonBarnes & NobleGoodreadsRedemption Press

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About the Author

Myron G. Heavin graduated from Purdue University with a BS in aeronautical engineering, and has a BA in biblical and theological studies from Talbot Theological Seminary, and is currently enrolled in Christian Apologetics MA studies at Biola University. After fifty years as an engineer for the Boeing Company, Heavin retired and continues teaching and leading seven different Bible studies. Heavin and his wife Sharyl, who have been married over fifty years, have three grown children, and make their home in Lompoc, CA.

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