Interview with Rachel Carrington, author of The Early Years


Inside the Book:
The Early Years

Title: The Early Years 
Author: Rachel G. Carrington 
Publisher: iUniverse 
Genre: Biography 
Format: Ebook/Paperback

Author Rachel G. Carrington lays no claim to lofty jobs, higher education, nor grand accomplishments except for a love-filled, multifaceted, family-oriented, poverty-to-plenty life. In The Early Years, the first in a series, she shares her story.

As a young teenager, just entering high school in the small town of Denton, Kentucky, Carrington planned to attend college and become a teacher. With coursework geared toward college attendance, she was offered a lucrative scholarship that would help her to attain her goal. However, it took only a single event to send her down a different path. She met a returned World War II veteran who was attempting to pick up the pieces after finding his marriage in irreparable shambles and his children gone. As he struggled, Carrington was there, and they pulled together to clear the many hurdles before them.

In this memoir, she tells the story of their journey and how their love and dedication for each other kept moving them forward. Filled with the joys, disappointments, and struggles of a couple, The Early Years narrates how the love of the heavenly Father was the continuous thread that bound Carrington's life together.

The Interview

How did you come up with the title of your book?

The title of the book, “The Early Years, best describes my life as a young, giddy teenage girl, seeing for the first time what true love was really about. The Early Years, soon would mean a lifetime of growth, compassion and the realization that time passes quickly. I think about the people I love, the ones who’ve come and gone; and then, I am reminded how meaningful the early years…

What is your writing environment like? 

My writing environment is full of peace. Even though, currently, my life is so crazy busy! I long for the time, I can sit down (like I’m doing now), and write. I’m reminded that life is what you make of it. If I find myself too busy, then I need to slow down. When that happens, I can let go and write to my heart’s content.

What are some of the best tools available today for writers? 

One of the best tools today for writers is the computer. Having spell check, the plethora of internet resources, and all the marvelous devices of today to make writing so much easier. What inspires you to write? My life’s experiences, my heavenly Father, and my wonderful family and Christian network of friends inspires me to write.

Did you learn anything while writing this book? 

While writing this book, I realized that I really can write! I realized I would not change anything that happened in this book. I learned more about the writing world, and what it takes to be a good author. I learned most of all that having the great life I have had didn’t just happen, but that I have truly been blessed!

What is your favorite quality about yourself?

My favorite quality about myself is what I’ve been able to accomplish in my life. Having come from a financially poor background, and being able to turn it around by having strong work ethics instilled in me by my parents, having a caring husband who made it happen; and my heavenly Father to guide me and see me through.  

Meet the Author:
Rachel G. Carrington, a transplanted Kentuckian, is a widow, mother of seven and grandmother to three generations. Included with her many other interests, she spends much of her time writing and lives in Hamilton, Ohio and in Honolulu, Hawaii.