Interview with L.D. Beyer, author of In Sheep's Clothing

Title: In Sheep's Clothing
Author: L.D. Beyer
Release Date: August 2, 2015
Publisher: Old Stone Mill Publishing
Genre: Political Thriller
Format: Ebook/Paperback

One man holds the reins of power. One man vows to protect him. One man vows to destroy him.

Caught in a game of chess he didn't know he was playing until it was too late, the President makes the only move he can, plunging Washington and the nation into chaos. Stunned and reeling, Vice President David Kendall takes the oath of office and tries to heal a nation in mourning. But what the new president doesn't realize is that things in the White House aren't always what they appear to be, and sometimes what looks like the best option may turn out to be the worst. When one fatal decision triggers consequences he never envisioned, President Kendall finds himself caught up in the same game that cost his predecessor his life.

Although there was nothing he could have done, Secret Service Agent Matthew Richter is haunted by the death of the man he had vowed to protect. When his girlfriend dumps him and his boss tells him that his job is on the line, he thinks his life cannot get any worse. He soon realizes how wrong he is when he finds himself fighting to save another president from the deadly forces that he has unwittingly unleashed.

This new release by L.D. Beyer is a fast-paced, action-packed political thriller that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
In Sheep's Clothing is available for order at  
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Q: Please tell us about In Sheep’s Clothing, and what inspired you to write it.

A: I write what I like to read.  I love thriller and suspense novels--medical thrillers, legal thrillers, historical thrillers, political thrillers—particularly ones that are full of intrigue and ones with a lot of action & adventure.  Brad Meltzer, Vince Flynn, Steve Berry, David Baldacci, Brad Thor—these are some of my favorite writers and they are a great source of inspiration.  When I read, I want to escape and to live vicariously through the characters, even if only for a short while.  I want to root for the good guy and hate the bad guy.  And if the tension is just right, I keep turning the pages because I need to know what happens next.  This is the journey I hope to take readers on with my books!
My newest release, my first book actually, is a political thriller titled In Sheep’s Clothing.  Secret Service Agent Matthew Richter has already lost one president.  Now he’s fighting to save another from the deadly forces he has unwittingly unleashed!

Q: What themes do you explore in In Sheep’s Clothing?

A: In Sheep’s Clothing is about power and politics, the corruption of power and the extent some people will go to obtain it.  It’s about the extreme measures one man must take to protect the person who holds the reins of power when powerful forces align to bring him down.  One man holds the reins of power.  One man vows to protect him.  One man vows to destroy him.

Q: Why do you write?

A: Most of my career has been spent in some fairly black and white fields.  Finance, and earlier on, accounting—these are fields that typically do not reward creativity.  Writing is what I do to find balance in my life.  It’s a right brain, left brain thing.

Writing is cathartic and the journey of writing is its own reward.  It’s really cool to start with a blank page and watch as the story develops and takes shape and as a character’s personality crystalizes over time.  While it’s a great feeling to complete a novel, the journey of writing is rewarding in and off itself.  Through the research I do, I learn many things I didn’t know, I meet many interesting people and I can see my writing style becoming more refined along the way.

Q: How picky are you with language?

A: It depends.  Dialogue should be real and people rarely use proper English when speaking.  So I’m not hung up on language conventions in writing dialogue.  At the same time, though, descriptions of scenes need to evoke images in the reader’s mind, so language is crucial for this.  I keep book-marked in my search engine and the app is on my phone.  When I’m writing, I’m constantly checking meanings, looking for the right synonym, and trying to find a better way to convey a particular thought.

Q: When you write, do you sometimes feel as though you were being manipulated from afar?

A: It’s funny that you mention this.  I was discussing this very thing with another writer last night.  It’s really cool to start with a blank page and watch as the story unfolds, sometimes taking twists and turns I never expected. Even the characters tend to develop and evolve on their own.  After giving them a nudge, they tend to go in directions I never envisioned when I first began typing. I know that sounds like I’m merely a play-by-play reporter, sitting on the sidelines and describing the action as it happens before me.  It’s not quite that remote but the story does tend to take on a life of its own. 

Q: What is your worst time as a writer?

A: Frankly, when life—my day job, family priorities—gets in the way.  Sometimes it’s tough to carve out the time to write and to make meaningful progress.  But these things tend to ebb and flow so I’m learning patience.

Q: Your best?

A: There is no better feeling than when I complete a novel, when I write that last sentence.  It’s the culmination of a journey and I’ve just crossed the finish line.  This is the point where I have something I can finally share with my early readers—my trusted confidants who do the initial editing and provide initial thoughts on the story.  In reality, the journey isn’t quite over, because there’s still a lot of work to do on the editing front.  But a big part of the creative journey is over.

Q: Is there anything that would stop you from writing?

A: My family is my number one priority.  So it would have to be something dramatic with my family that would force me to give up writing.  But I can’t see myself giving it up completely.  I can always put it to the side for a while and pick it up later.

Q: What’s the happiest moment you’ve lived as an author?

A: It was this past week!  I had no idea what to expect when I released this book.  Everything I read on writing and publishing told me it takes time to build an audience.  But just 6 weeks after release, In Sheep’s Clothing reached #4 on the best seller list for political thrillers in Kindle ebooks!  It’s ranked right up there with books by Vince Flynn!

Q: Is writing an obsession to you?

A: No, I wouldn’t say that.  Writing is something I do because it’s pleasurable.  On the weekends, I enjoy cooking.  I enjoy finding a new recipe, or checking to see what we have in the fridge and whipping something up.  There’s something cathartic about the creative pursuit.  While the end game—writing that last sentence or coming up with a dish that my family has never tried before—is definitely the best part, the journey itself is also pleasurable.

Q: Are the stories you create connected with you in some way?

A: Indirectly they are.  To one degree or another, we are all a product of our environment. I am an avid reader of thriller and suspense novels from authors like David Baldacci, Steve Berry, Michael Connolly, Mike Lawson and Brad Thor.  I’m certain In Sheep’s Clothing was influenced by these and many other fine authors. But in many subtle ways, it was also influenced by my own experiences: the places I’ve lived, the events that took place, both in the broader world and in my own back yard.  From a scene perspective, I tend to write about locations that I’ve been in, places I’ve lived, and cities I’ve visited.  I’ve lived in over a dozen different cities and I’ve lived through many historic moments going back to the racial tensions and turmoil of the 60’s, the Viet Nam war, the Kent State shooting, Watergate, the attempted assassinations of two presidents—Ford and Reagan—the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, a rash of kidnappings, hijackings and terrorist attacks, rapid advances in technology…all of this was happening around me and I’m sure it has influenced my writing. 

Q: Ray Bradbury once said, “You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.” Do you agree?

A: I’m not sure I see it that way.  I write because it’s pleasurable, because the journey itself is its own reward.  But there may be another distinction between how Ray Bradbury and I see the world.  Ray Bradbury writes science fiction.  With no disrespect to Mr. Bradbury or to science fiction fans—I enjoy picking up a good science fiction novel now and then—I write about things that are perhaps a bit more plausible.  I don’t see writing as an escape from the world—I see it as a way of trying to make sense out of the world around me.

Q: Where is your book available?

A: Right now, it’s only available on Amazon.  

Q: Do you have a website or blog where readers can find out more about you and your work?

  LDB-portrait1 L.D. Beyer spent over twenty-five years in the corporate world, climbing the proverbial corporate ladder. This meant a lot of time away from his family, extensive travel, a half dozen relocations, and the opportunity to live and work in Mexico for several years. In 2011 he decided it was time for a change—he was tired of moving every few years, he wanted to spend more time with his family and he wanted to chase his dream of being a writer. LD Beyer is an avid reader and although he primarily reads Thrillers, his reading list is somewhat eclectic. He believes a few hours with a good book beats a few hours in front of the TV any day. LD Beyer lives in Michigan with his wife, three children and a dog named Tope (pronounced Toe-Pay), which he adopted in Mexico. He enjoys cooking, hiking, biking, working out and fixing just about anything that breaks in the house. With 3 kids, a dog and an aging house, he always seems to be fixing something! For More Information Visit L.D.s website. Connect with L.D. on Twitter and Facebook    PUYB Tour Schedule A
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