A Conversation with Dr. John & Elizabeth McIntosh, authors of 'Mastering Negative Impulsive Thoughts'

Doctor H. John McIntosh is known as the “Medical Guru” through his columns and media presence.  He was educated as a medical doctor in Scotland. He received a general medical degree from Dundee University Medical School in 1984 and moved to Australia in 1993. He received his Specialist Physician qualification in 1988 from the Royal College of Physicians (UK) and specialist Family Physician qualifications in 1990 from the Royal College of General Practitioners. Other certifications include: Approved Trainer of medical students, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners; James Cook University Medical School, Central Queensland University; Trainer of Cognitive Institute programs, Cognitive Institute of Australia; Approved Trainer of sports medicine first aid courses, Sports Medicine, Australia; and Approved Allergan Cosmetic Injector training and trainer of injectors (doctors and nurses). Dr. McIntosh was the driving force in the building of the Mackay GP Superclinic. In 2013, his medical clinics were awarded the national AGPAL Community Engagement Award for outstanding level of commitment and involvement of the community and won a finalist award in the 2014 Telstra Australian Business Awards.

Rev. Elizabeth McIntosh is known as the “Positivity Expert” from her life’s work and research in the field. She trained as a life and wellness coach; certified personal fitness trainer under Ken Ware, Mr. Universe of 1994; counselor, hypnotherapist, meditation and yoga teacher; and spa trainer. She is a Reiki master Levels 1, 2 and 3, and a Reiki Master Trainer. She holds a BMSc in Metaphysics from the University of Sedona and the University of Metaphysics, and is an ordained minister through the University of Metaphysics. She runs retreats at her resort in Bali and has produced a series of CDs on health, relaxation, and success, and a TV documentary series, as well as being a magazine columnist and radio talkback presenter.

Their latest book is the nonfiction/self-help, Mastering Negative Impulsive Thoughts.

Visit the authors’ website at www.positivityexpert.com. 

Can you tell us what your book is about?

Mastering Negative Impulse Thoughts(NITs) is  about  self empowerment   by mastering your own negative thoughts.  Most people don’t recognise their negative thoughts and they don’t realize that these negative thoughts are responsible for  their success or failure in life. 

This is the first book that really defines negative thoughts with an easy process to  recognizable them and then control and remove them. We have labeled them Negative Impulsive Thoughts or NITs, and like the head lice that their name invokes they are irritating, hard to recognise and treat and spread from person to person like an epidemic!  NITs knock our confidence, breeds fear,  shatters our dreams, destroys relationships, attracts cancers, heart disease,  and shortens our life span by about 9 years. The research and information presented in this book confirms what many doctors  and health practitioners were already aware of, that  bad attitude leads to bad health. 

If you want to take control over your life, you must start with controlling what goes on in your head first. This book is an easy read with inspirational real life adventures of overcoming (NITs) leaving the reader uplifted inspired and armed with tools to live a positive life NIT-free.

Why did you write your book?

Throughout our years of clinical practice, it became apparent to us that most peoples problems in life, come as a result of their own self inflicted negative attitude.  Our concept of NITs really works to help people, first by recognizing how negative their self talk is, and then giving them interesting ways to break the habit of negative thinking and create positive alternatives instead.    We were telling our patients these key principles over and over on how to improve  their lives,  and we needed a vehicle to reach the broader community and have this concept of NITs available to everyone.  It really works in all areas of life from your personal life, relationships, children, workplace and in the broader community.

Have you suffered from writer’s block and what do you do to get back on track?

No, this is not something that challenges us, perhaps it is partly because the information we are writing about flows so freely as it is an area we know well. Another reason to consider is that we seem to be able to tap into that creative area easily, I believe it comes from the practice of meditation and mindfulness where you are able to slow your brain cycles down enough to access more of the alpha state while still being able to be conscious to write your message, after all that is how some of the most brilliant minds on the planet achieve their greatness.

What would you do with an extra hour today if you could do anything you wanted?

I would want to be in bed with my Honey.   Our bed is the most amazing place I know.  It is where are dreams are borne, problems are solved, our bodies recuperate and our minds recharge.  Our bed seems to possess a magical ability to nurture, and make everything seem better. Our children come to talk or share their quiet thoughts or worries, we can open the door and have wrestling, dogs, fun and noise or we can shut the world away if we want to be alone.  It is where we can in safety expose our vulnerable sides to each other that no-ones else sees. When the day has been long and challenging, we both hurry back to the sanctuary of our bed to regroup our thoughts, reflect on the day, and are always grateful for the wonderful life we share. Out of all the temples and spiritual houses I have visited in the world.  Our bed is the most sacred place I know and I would want more hour of heaven. 

What do you like to do for fun?

Our life is fun - even when we are working hard, we are able to have fun 95% of the time.  Especially when we are together or with our family, they are fun also.  But for extra fun we go sailing across vast oceans with no land in sight, swim with with giant sea creatures, watch the sun set snuggled under a blanket with a good wine and an delicious cheese platter.  Create artistic sculptures out of clay, travel to remote areas of the world to do aid work, living in huts, being  guests of honor of the tribal chief of the village. Travelling to remote places and learning their culture and spiritual secrets, writing, meditating, yoga, exercising, creating successful businesses. We also love teaching  people how to live better and maximize their full potential.

What kind of advice would you give other non-fiction authors?

Follow your passion and try to help as many people as possible! The reward from improving people’s lives is so much more than can be measured…. Be true to yourself and do your homework on your topic if it is not your area of expertise.

We live our life following this philosophy and the benefits are so dramatic that we want to share this experience with others. So for us, our book was easy to write, and the depth of knowledge we have both acquired about our book subject is substantial. Also to present a new concept or provoke thought in an existing field usually makes for an interesting read, but even better to be able to substantiate your point in the form of studies, research, or surveys makes the reader consider it more seriously.