Read An Excerpt From Deborah Levin's 'An Exploratory Study of GPT-4o Poetry 2024'


This groundbreaking study examines the creative capabilities and limitations of GPT-4o, an advanced AI model that mirrors human expressiveness. 

Title: An Exploratory Study of GPT-4o Poetry 2024

Author: Deborah Levin

Publication Date: May 6, 2024

Pages: 226

Genre: Nonfiction

Discover the creative abilities and constraints of artificial intelligence with "An Exploratory Study of GPT-4o Poetry 2024." This groundbreaking study examines the creative capabilities and limitations of GPT-4o, an advanced AI model that mirrors human expressiveness. Drawing on the insights of the latest research, this book explores whether AI can truly replicate the depth and nuance of human creativity in poetry.

From structured sonnets to open-ended free verse, poetry is a profound literary form that captures the essence of human emotions and experiences. But can an AI model like GPT-4o generate verses with human authenticity? Through a qualitative exploration of AI behavior in creative contexts, this study examines the model's ability to create original, non-plagiarized work and its tendency to rely on specific terminology or phrases.

Key Questions Explored:

  • Can GPT-4o produce poetic expressions equivalent to human creativity?
  • What refinements in capability does GPT-4o encompass beyond its older counterparts?
  • Does GPT-4o exhibit over-reliance on specific terminology or phrases?
  • Are the poetic outputs from GPT-4o indistinguishable from human-created poetry?
  • How does GPT-4o handle the complexities of creative context generation?

In this study, you will also find:

  • Examples of AI-generated poetry that showcase GPT-4o's creative potential.
  • Insights into the model's unique approach to literary expression.
  • Evaluation of plagiarized content and poetry generation speed.

An Exploratory Study of GPT-4o Poetry 2024 is an essential read for anyone interested in the future of AI and its role in human culture. Whether you are a poetry enthusiast, a tech aficionado, or simply curious about the capabilities of modern AI, this book offers unique insights and thought-provoking analyses. Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore the cutting-edge of AI-driven creativity—get your copy today!

An Exploratory Study of GPT-4o Poetry 2024 is available at Amazon.


Book Excerpt

This independent exploratory study aims to understand GPT-4o's capabilities and limitations related to creative poetic expression. Poetry encompasses creative literary representations in structured and open-ended formats. Expressions of feeling are arranged in verses or comparable language patterns (Oxford, 2024). Can GPT-4o produce poetic expressions equivalent to human creativity?

GPT stands for generative pre-trained transformer. The number four in the model's name represents the fourth generation of this model, created by OpenAI. The "o" is short for "omni," which is defined as "combining all." 

GPT-4o is a multi-modal large language model (LLM) based on artificial intelligence (AI). AI uses data and algorithms through machine learning to imitate how humans learn. A subset of machine learning, known as Deep Learning, uses multi-layered deep neural networks to simulate the decision-making complexities of the human brain. This learning enables the model to increase the accuracy or predictions over time. Examples of AI-based technology include digital assistants, global positioning systems, and self-driving vehicles. Companies use AI strategies to automate tasks of lower complexity and bolster predictive modeling performance. (IBM, 2024)

Critics of AI believe it cannot replicate human creativity. The development of quality literary contribution requires personal collaboration. AI cannot critically analyze its outputs and cannot produce engaging content. Although technically accurate, the absence of emotional intelligence and empathy makes AI-generated creative content lackluster. Additionally, AI struggles with context and tone. (Burn, 2023)

Additional criticisms of AI, beyond an absence of creativity and emotion, include limitations due to data dependency and bias. Machine learning algorithms pull data from information across digital technologies. The quality of data inputs, including biased information, directly affects the outputs generated by AI. There may be over-reliance on source information if machine learning deems other sources less relevant. In some instances, AI can magnify biases, resulting in discriminatory content. Data inputs of misinformation or propaganda further exacerbate bias by developing aggregated content perceived as accurate and relevant. (AIContenfy, 2023)

Ethical concerns, including copyright infringement and plagiarism, present significant implications for authors, students and educators. The evolution of AI enables this LLM to mimic human conversations and create human-like content. The United States Copyright Office does not currently offer protection to literary work unless it is made or heavily edited by humans. This human-created requirement also encompasses protection for art and other media. Information contributors extend ethical concerns as AI may or may not ask contributors for permission before including their content in machine learning models. (Lane 2024) 

Regardless of copyright protection, AI-generated content encourages human laziness through over-reliance on technology tools to produce content. The challenge of generating original creative thought is relegated to merely creating the right prompt to tell AI the type of output desired. This presents a significant challenge to educators as they strive to develop student intellect, encourage critical thinking, and realize the full human experience. 

The GPT-4o model was trained using an extensive dataset, including internet text, books, articles, websites, and other electronic information. This data included information created up to September 2021. However, refinements enabled the model to include some knowledge as recent as early 2023. Therefore, new outputs created are based on relevant data from 1-2 years ago. This model began its rollout for general use in 2024 with enhanced voice, vision and text modality. (OpenAI, 2024)

Criticisms of AI were based on previous models. What refinements in capability does GPT-4o encompass beyond its older counterparts? Qualitatively exploring AI behavior's complexities relative to creative context generation will reveal its capabilities. Is this new model capable of creating original, non-plagiarized work? Does the model exhibit over-reliance on specific terminology or phrases? Do poetic outputs from this model seem human?

About the Author

Dr. Deborah Levin is a woman of many talents. She holds degrees in Design, Business Administration, and Leadership. She has multiple technical certifications, ranging from project management to artificial intelligence natural language processing. She has a strong background in project management and continuous improvement. She used her unique combination of creative and analytical skills throughout her decades of experience in corporate manufacturing and transactional environments, in addition to facilitating courses for adult learners and community service leadership. Dr. Levin is passionate about lifelong learning and is a strong supporter of formal education. She believes sharing her learning and experiences with others helps them gain perspective to become better versions of themselves.  She expresses this passion through a down-to-earth, personable writing style often seen in her written work.

Her book, An Exploratory Study of GPT-4o Poetry 2024 is available at Amazon.

Visit her website at

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Read An Excerpt From Nancy Golden's 'Ring of Rosin' & Enter Book Giveaway!


Will the Ring of Rosin’s power on the Day of Questioning help Rugal defeat the foreign threat to Elayas, or will it be used to destroy him?

Title: Ring of Rosin

Author: Nancy Golden

Publication Date: September 2, 2024

Pages: 222

Genre: Fantasy

Many, many years ago, a wondrous bird flew into the mountains of Tolan. In its claws, it bore a giant stone, a stone of fire. The bird dropped the stone somewhere in the mountains, where it shattered. The one who finds its fragments shall have power beyond belief.

The Ring of Rosin has unexpectedly disappeared. Join King Rugal on his quest to recover the ring symbolizing his right to rule, forged from the stone of fire. A mysterious companion joins the young monarch on a perilous journey. Rugal’s shadowy ally leads him to the nomadic Kargoliths, who are locked in an ongoing dispute with the neighboring kingdom of Tolan. As destinies intertwine amidst the clashing cultures, the fates of Elayas, Tolan, and the Kargoliths hang in the balance.

Will the Ring of Rosin’s power on the Day of Questioning help Rugal defeat the foreign threat to Elayas, or will it be used to destroy him?

Follow King Rugal as he faces the greatest threat to his reign since his coronation. An exciting adventure of valor and unlikely friendships the whole family can enjoy!

Ring of Rosin is available at Amazon.


Book Excerpt

Thirty minutes later, they were all seated in the library, looking attentively at the messenger, a slim, proud youth about Rugal’s age possessing the distinctly dark, handsome features of a citizen of Tolan.

Dressed in riding leathers, the youth had thick black hair and the beginnings of a beard. He bowed formally from the waist, and with Rugal’s nod of acknowledgment, he began to recite his message:

“I, Johan of Sharvindar, in the name of King Handerbin of the kingdom of Tolan, bear greetings from my sovereign and wishes of health and happiness to the esteemed royal family of Elayas. News of Oldag’s overthrow and the restoration of King Rugal, rightful sovereign of Elayas, in accordance to her laws and traditions, has brought us great joy. Our sorrow has been long in knowing that the evil king Oldag’s birthplace was Tolan, and it gladdens us that he has finally met with justice.” Johan paused for breath, and his listeners leaned forward in anticipation of his words.

“We wish to reassure you of our good intentions. Long have our countries viewed each other with mistrust, kindled by Oldag’s rebellion. We are also aware of the theft of the Ring of Rosin, and we believe that those responsible are members of the Kargoliths, who have come to inhabit what has been the unsettled territory of Tolan, earmarked for future expansion.”

“How did you know?” Rugal interrupted. “About the Ring of Rosin?”

Johan met Rugal’s gaze squarely. “King Rosin had the ring made by one of the most skilled craftsmen in all of Tolan. It is a fragment from the stone of fire.”

Mura nodded. “That makes sense. I know my cousin had made a special commission for its creation. I was never told the exact details, but that it arrived from a mysterious location. I remember the day it was shown at court for the first time.”

Rugal’s voice sharpened. “That still doesn’t explain…”

“We intercepted a message from the Kargoliths, which is what prompted King Handerbin to send me here.” Johan hesitated, leaning forward. “The leader of their tribe has the Ring of Rosin. King Handerbin has sent me to help you retrieve it. You will need a guide, someone familiar with Tolan.”

“Just what are you proposing?” Jackal stood up, shoulders tense.

The Swordsman put up a hand. “It’s okay, Jackal. It makes sense.” He glanced at Soldar, who nodded. “The Kargoliths have been searching for the shards of the stone of fire for many years. It is woven into their history. Fables of old, when the wondrous bird captured it and flew to the mountains, are told around their campfires from one generation to the next. If they have the Ring of Rosin…”

“They will not give it up. This is the Year of Wisdom and the Day of Questioning approaches. They will demand King Rugal’s presence.” Johan looked significantly at Rugal. “For only he will be able to activate its power on that day.”

Rugal cocked his head. “Day of Questioning? I have no idea what you are talking about.”

Soldar cleared his throat. “An oversight on my part, Sire. We did not cover the fables of the Kargoliths, as I saw no need.” He glanced at Johan and raised his eyebrows. “Perhaps I was mistaken.”

“It certainly seems relevant now, Soldar,” Rugal let out a noisy breath. “Please explain.”

His eyes contemplative, Soldar exhaled. He turned his attention to the dark youth, and Johan nodded almost imperceptibly. Soldar turned back to Rugal.

“The Ring of Rosin has a property that no one knows about. It has been entwined in the lore of Tolan and the Kargoliths for many years and is thought to be conjecture. Apparently, that is not the case, or it would not have been stolen. Not only does it identify the true king of Elayas, but it also imparts wisdom to the king.” Soldar paused and rubbed his eyes. “The Kargoliths must know the Ring of Rosin has this power.”

Johan spread out his hands. “You are correct, Soldar.” He bowed his head briefly. “But there is more to the fable.” He continued with a storytelling inflection to his words, “The rightful king of Elayas will be able to ask the Ring of Rosin anything he desires, and the ring will impart that knowledge to him, but only once in every ten years. This day is designated as the Day of Questioning.”

Rugal’s eyes narrowed. “Anything? Even another person’s most deeply held secrets?”

“Yes, indeed,” Johan agreed. “Which is why it is so powerful. But it will only respond to the queries of the King of Elayas, and only for the Time of Sun Shadow on the Day of Questioning. This is when the sun is completely engulfed in shadow, but only for a few minutes. It is as if it is nighttime, yet it is still day.”

The room remained quiet as everyone contemplated the ramifications of what had just been revealed. Finally, Rugal rubbed his cheek. “So, they stole the ring in anticipation of the Day of Questioning. But what good will it do them without me?”

“Exactly,” Johan replied. “That is why I am here.”

– Excerpted from Ring of Rosin by Nancy Golden, Golden Cross Ranch LLC, 2024. Reprinted with permission.


About the Author

Nancy Golden wears a lot of different hats – She is a wife and mom, author, engineer, professor, horsewoman, and small business owner. She is also the founder of a writing group – the Carrollton League of Writers. Nancy lives in a suburb of Dallas, Texas and she loves to ride bicycles and horses. She is a member of the National Space Society, and she has been a Trekkie for as long as she can remember. Nancy Golden Books provides a great reader experience with well-crafted writing that will brighten your day.






Nancy Golden is giving away one autographed copy of Sword of Fate and one autographed copy of Ring of Rosen (also included is a mini poster of each book)!

Terms & Conditions:

  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.

  • Two winners will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive either an autographed copy of Sword of Fate or an autographed copy of Ring of Rosen

  • This giveaway starts September 26 and ends March 26.

  • Winner will be contacted via email on March 27.

  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.

Good luck everyone!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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🎤Interview with Laurel C. Fox Author Braveing the Way #AuthorInterview

Laurel C. Fox was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and raised in Aspen, Colorado from the age of nine, through high school. After graduating college with a BA in Liberal Arts, Laurel wound up living in Los Angeles for thirty five years, raising two daughters, and having several careers. Laurel worked for Neil Diamond in the music business for fifteen of those years and traveled the world. Laurel now lives back in Colorado with her husband, John. She works as a voice-over actor and can be heard in many popular television shows such as Lethal Weapon, Angie Tribeca, and Manifest, to name a few. Laurel enjoys being a substitute teacher for the public and private elementary schools in the Roaring Fork Valley. She also sings in a local band, and dabbles on the theater stage whenever she can.

You can visit the author’s web page at and Instagram at

Why did you write your book?

In 2014 I got a phone call that no parent ever wants to receive. My daughter Taylor was in a horrible accident, and was being transported to the biggest trauma center in Los Angeles.  When I began writing

and digging into an on-line journal everyday, not only to escape the madness, but to also communicate with everyone-- I learned that it was my comfort. Then my comfort and my cathartic writing process slowly became bigger than that and eventually turned into a book.

What kind of message is your book trying to get out?

My message of resilience, tenacity and shear grit is what I hope to give to my readers. That old cliche of needing to breakdown before you can break through is what happens to me during this journey. It’s a story about moving through a trauma with my two daughters, taking you through my own self-reflection while doing that, and being ‘mama bear’ every step of the way. It is not only a beautiful story about maternal sacrifice, it is also about building tenacity, strength and courage through intense struggle. I hope to encourage and bring bravery to people who don’t think they have it.

Is it hard to publish a nonfiction book?

 I found it hard in the sense that it’s a very sensitive subject, trauma —and certain people will be open to my story, and some people won’t. Either way, you just have to move forward and believe in it. 

Have you suffered from writer’s block and what do you do to get back on track?

I suffered more from knowing what this looked like as a book, and sometimes I would put it away for months at a time, because of that unknown. All the while (when I had shelved it) I would still be thinking about it, and when I would sit down again and start writing I was miraculously ready to write more.

Which holiday is your favorite and why?

 Thanksgiving. Hands down. That time of gratitude, no pressure of gifts being given, good food, family, friends and being thankful for life.

If we were to meet for lunch to talk books, where would we go?

 A little quaint cafe for English tea.

What do you like the most about being an author?

 I love being able to share my story of survival after trauma, and I hope to help others because of my story.

What kind of advice would you give other nonfiction authors?

I would say to them, some people will not be open to your story and what you have to say—but the beautiful thing is, it’s yours to tell. So keep doing it and get it out there.