🎤Interview with John Andrew Fredrick Author The King of Good Intentions III #AuthorInterview

John Andrew Fredrick is the author of five novels and one book on the early films of Wes Anderson. He is the principal songwriter/singer of an indie rock band called The Black Watch that has released twenty-two albums to considerable acclaim. As Popmatters.com has observed, he is an accomplished painter. His poems have appeared in The Los Angeles Press, Santa Barbara Magazine, and Artillery, among others. He lives in Los Angeles and London. 

His latest book is The King of Good Intentions III.

Visit him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/john.a.fredrick and Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/177676792-the-king-of-good-intentions-part-three.

Thanks for joining us today, John. I just have to say I've got to learn more about The Weird Sisters. Who are they?

The Weird Sisters are a janglepop band in a land and era that was mostly about hard rock groups, pay to play sorts of Sunset Strip bands.  They're not in it for money and fame--and they're, as we meet them, succeeding grandly in NOT attaining those two things!

Would you consider John and Jenny soul mates to a certain degree?

Yes indeed.  Although I personally do not believe in soul mates and have lost a girlfriend or two by espousing such theories.  As my hero Dr Samuel Johnson told his sidekick Boswell when Boswell asked him if there was "but one woman for each of us," Johnson answered:  "Yes, and ten thousand more."  Meaning, of course, that there are MANY women we could love LIKE soul mates. 

Who is Katie and does she play a major role in the book?

Katie is that sort of great girl who seems to have it all and who will not settle for just any ordinary bloke.  She's no snob, though.  Beautiful and overeducated, highly talented and artistic and kind, she has a quasi-fatal flaw in that she embarks on an affair with John; she knows better but she can't help herself.  The lofty sort of way she's held out for a great mate has kind of made her vulnerable and lonely.  She's like a Henry James character:  destined to make a mistake and fated to surmount it.  I LOVED making her up and think it is a great test of a novelist if he or she can write from the perspective of the opposite sex.  I hope I did her justice!

Out of everything you have done in regards to writing and authoring, what has been the most pivotal point of your writing life? 

Having my first novel accepted and then rejected by three different publishers before it found a home with Verse Chorus Press.  I am nothing if not resilient. Heaps of rejection I have turned to... well, not gold but gold adjacent? Haha.  

Now that this book is out there, do you plan on writing more books?

I have a comedic thriller (and I have never read a thriller) that I think is my best narrative yet and I am hoping to find a great publisher for it.  It's called Within These Arms Forever Swim and there are as many twists and turns as one might find in a Hitchcock film!