Character Profile Sheet for Paloma Leary from Tracy Shawn's ‘Floating Underwater’

Years ago (and still applies today), the experts were telling fiction writers that in order to really know their main character, they must come up with a character profile sheet for them and definitely applies to all your characters as well.  This is a good practice because once you know all the ins and outs of all your characters, the book flows better and allows the author to get inside the head of each of their characters.

We decided to ask authors if they would like to come up with a character sketch of their main character, throwing in a few unique questions to make it really fun!

Today we have Tracy Shawn stopping by on her blog tour with a character sketch of her main character, Paloma Leary.  Enjoy!


Learn more about Paloma!


Name of Character: Paloma Leary

Age: 32

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Auburn

Birthplace: Sunflower Beach (a fictional beach town in California)

Marital Status: Married to Reed Leary

Children: Has endured three miscarriages and does not have any children

Place of Residence: A small condo, which is blocks away from the beach

Description of Home: Small and compact with family photos displayed in her living room hutch

Dominant Character Trait: Empathetic to others even if she’s too hard on herself

Best Friend: Justine, a bossy and brash friend, but one who truly cares

Enemies and Why: Paloma’s enemy isn’t a person, but rather the fear of her own power.

Temperament: Kind yet cautious

Ambition: Paloma hopes to become a mom, creating a fun, carefree childhood for her future offspring. With time, though, she learns to accept a far different than the one she had planned.

Educational Background: Went to college and majored in art history

Philosophy of Life: Kindness Counts

Bad Habits: When depressed, Paloma sometimes pushes others away, especially her husband, Reed.

Talents: Loves her job as a floral designer and makes gorgeous arrangements

Hobby or Hobbies: Loves walking on the beach and swimming in the ocean

Why is Character Likeable? Paloma deeply cares for—and is protective of—friends, loved ones, and even down-and-out strangers.

Favorite Pig Out Food: Cookies!


Character Mini-Interview:

Every New Year’s I resolve to: Have more fun and loosen up!

Nobody knows I am: so tuned into their feelings that I actually feel their emotions seep into my body.

I wish: that people could be kinder to each other, help each other out more.

The worse part of my life is: that my mom struggled with severe schizophrenia and that she died when I was young—and now I’ve suffered three miscarriages and don’t know if I’ll ever become a mom myself.

I want to teach my children that: If I ever have my own children, or even in my role as an auntie, I want to teach the children in my life that it’s okay to be themselves, that they should celebrate who they are, and respect other people’s differences.

A good time for me is: Taking a long walk on the beach and then enjoying a nice, long nap on the warm sand.

The worse advice my father gave me is: not to look for my mom’s journal.

When I feel sorry for myself I: tend to hide away from others—so much so that I can fall into a pretty bad depression.

My friends like me because: I care about their lives and truly want to help.

My major accomplishment is: that I’ve connected with Serena.

My most humbling experience was: when I had my spiritual crisis. It was more intense than I expected, but I learned a great deal about both myself and my long-lost mom.

Meet the Author

Award-Winning Author Tracy Shawn lives and writes on the Central Coast of California. Her debut novel, The Grace of Crows, won several indie book awards. Floating Underwater is her second novel. Tracy Shawn’s short stories have appeared in Literary BrushstrokesPsychology Tomorrow Magazine, and Steel House Review Literary Journal. She’s written numerous articles for print and online publications and is currently working on her third novel.

You can visit her website at or connect with her on TwitterFacebook, and Goodreads.

Inside the Book

Author: Tracy Shawn
Publisher: Turbulent Muse Publishing
Genre: Women’s Fiction / Magical Realism / Psychological Fiction

Part psychological fiction and part mystical fiction with a dash of magical realism, Floating Underwater follows a woman’s astonishing journey through the extraordinary and, ultimately, to her self-actualization and power.

Fearful that her lifelong premonitions not only predict the future but can also change its very course, Paloma Leary is devastated when her latest vision foretelling a third miscarriage comes true.

Falling into a mystifying world of increasingly bizarre phenomena, including a psychic connection with her mysterious neighbor, out-of-body experiences, and visits from her long-dead mother, Paloma grows desperate for answers. She is also desperate to start a family. But when a life-changing vision reveals a tragic secret from the past, Paloma learns to accept her gifts and embraces a far different future than she ever could have imagined.

“One woman’s mystical journey to move forward while confronting a troubled, mysterious past. Beautifully written; an ethereal, eloquent pleasure.” ~~Marlene Adelstein, author of USA Today bestseller Sophie Last Seen

“Mystical and magical realism permeates this women’s novel, and Amy Harmon fans would embrace Shawn’s adept storytelling. The author delivers spot-on dialogue, believable and enchanting characters, and surprising twists. It’s easy to imagine the novel as a talked-about book club selection (in fact, there’s a list of questions at the book’s conclusion). Poignant and beautiful, Floating Underwater leaves readers yearning for a sequel and another look at these captivating characters.” ~~Starred Review by Patricia Moosbrugger for BlueInk Review

“The writing is stunning…Paloma’s journey toward friendship, love in her marriage, and the realization that her fears have kept her eyes closed to everything happening around her is a journey worth following. This book will remind you to listen to the wind when it speaks and to look for what’s floating beneath the surface of the water.”~~Reviewed by Jenna Swartz for San Francisco Book Review

“A mystical journey that will take its readers on a whirlwind tour of beautiful imagery and meaningful life adventures, Floating Underwater is the story about a woman named Paloma Leary who learns that she has some very special gifts to share with the world…This book is wonderfully written in a lovely beach setting…Floating Underwater is the perfect book for someone looking for a bit of fantasy thrown into a realistic setting with realistic characters. Written with special attention to little details, this book is relatable, yet very special and is a one-of-a-kind read.” ~~Reviewed by Kristi Elizabeth for Manhattan Book Review

Book Information

Release Date: September 8, 2021

Publisher: Turbulent Muse Publishing

Soft Cover: ISBN: 978-1736664902; 312 pages; $10.99; E-Book, $3.99


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