Interview with Scott Richard Lord, author of 'The Logic Bomb'

Scott R. Lord has been a highly successful criminal and civil trial lawyer for 35 years and is active in the practice of law with the law firm of Cohen & Lord, a P.C., located in the Century City area of Los Angeles. Scott is a devoted student of Italian language and literature. He is the father and step-father of six children and lives with his wife and children in Santa Monica, California.

His latest book is the thriller, The Logic Bomb.
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Can you tell us what your book is about?
The Logic Bomb tells the story of Tom Tresh, a skillful but unsuccessful lawyer, who is lured by the promise of a huge payday to become involved in a scheme to steal and sell a mysterious new computer program.  Tom soon discovers that the program is not the harmless financial services
program he was led to believe but is instead a "logic bomb" an incredibly powerful cyber weapon capable of destroying vital computer systems.  He must fight both in and out of court to save himself, his friends, and his family the criminals and terrorists involved in the scheme.  Tom enlists the aid of a beautiful but deadly former cop, the head of a murderous gang, and a brilliant computer wizard.  The story races towards a fierce and violent showdown.

Why did you write your book?

I wanted to write a book that I would like to read:  Fun, interesting, exciting.  During my career as a trial lawyer, I met so many interesting people and learned so many great stories, it was always a dream of mine to write a novel using some of them.

Can you tell us a little about your main and supporting characters?

Tom Tresh, the main character, is a skilled lawyer who has not enjoyed the success he thinks his talents merit.  He has watched as other lawyers, far less able than he, earn the rewards he thinks he deserves.  One such lawyer. Charlie Papadoukas, asks for his help completing a deal and promises him the moon if the deal goes through.  When, predictably, the deal goes sour, Tom turns to a former client, Skip Williams, the leader of a Los Angeles gang, for help.  Skip is humorous, intelligent, decisive and almost completely amoral.

Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?  

I tend to base my characters on real people.

Are you consciously aware of the plot before you begin a novel or do you discover it as you write? 

A mix of the two, I think.  I knew how I wanted The Logic Bomb to end before I started to write.  I outlined the plot but then felt free to improvise as I wrote.  I find that if what I am writing has merit, good ideas tend to flow.

Your book is set in Los Angeles.  Can you tell us why you chose this city in particular? 

I live and grew up in the Los Angeles area and I know it better than any other city.  And as many superb authors have shown, it is a great setting for a mystery thriller.

Does the setting play a major part in the development of your story? 

Open the book to page 69.  What is happening?  Page 69 is the beginning of Chapter 9.  Tom and Charlie have just discovered that two of the guys who helped them steal the logic bomb software have been gruesomely murdered.  They realize they are in over their heads and need help if they are to survive.

Have you suffered from writer’s block and what do you do to get back on track?
Yes, I have.  And the only cure that works for me is to force myself to write something, anything, no matter how terrible it seems.  Invariably, it gets me back in the groove.

What would you do with an extra hour today if you could do anything you wanted? 

What a great question!  Out of many options, the answer is read for pleasure. 

Which holiday is your favorite and why? 

Thanksgiving.  All the fun of food, family, and football, without the pressure and expectations of Christmas.

If we were to meet for lunch to talk books, where would we go? 

I live in Santa Monica, California and there are several beach cafes and restaurants that are ideal of sitting and talking.

Can you tell us about your family? 

My wife and I, between us, have six children, two of whom 12 year-old twin boys, are still at home.  My wife, Susan, owns and operates a wonderful restaurant, the Bel Air Bar and Grill.

What kind of advice would you give other fiction authors? 

As a first-time novelist who first published later in life, I would say, it is never too late to write the book you always dreamed of writing.