W.L. Brooks was born with an active imagination.  When characters come into her mind, she has to give them a life- a chance to tell their stories. With a coffee cup in her hand and a cat by her side, she spends her days letting the ideas flow onto paper.  A voracious reader, she draws her inspiration from mystery, romance, suspense and a dash of the paranormal.

A native of Virginia Beach, she is currently living in Western North Carolina. Pick up her latest novel, Unearthing the Past – available now!

Her latest book is the romantic suspense, The Truth Behind the Mask.



Can you tell us what your new book is about?

The Truth Behind the Mask is the fourth book in my romantic suspense series (which can be read as a standalone). This story is about Alexandra McKay’s journey to find her missing sister, accept her own truth, and let herself love and be loved in return.


Can you tell us a little about your main and supporting characters?


Alexandra is a smart, beautiful, and talented woman, who has spent a lifetime carefully crafting the image she presents to the world.  

Jake Keller doesn’t give a damn about his persona, but, despite his gruffness, he does care about the people in his life.


These two characters are supported by a cast of meddling family and a couple of close friends.


Your book is set in the made-up town of Blue Creek, North Carolina.  Can you tell us why you chose this location in particular? 

I love and live in the mountains.


How long did it take you to write your book? 

The first draft didn’t take very long, but the rewrites and edits took several months.


What has been the most pivotal point of your writing life? 

Understanding how to write POV (point of view).


What kind of advice would you give other Romantic Suspense authors? 

No matter what genre you like to write, the most important thing is to write!