A.S. Fenichel gave up a successful IT career in New York City to follow her husband to Texas and pursue her lifelong dream of being a professional writer. She’s never looked back.

A.S. adores writing stories filled with love, passion, desire, magic, and maybe a little mayhem tossed in for good measure. Books have always been her perfect escape and she still relishes diving into one and staying up all night to finish a good story.

Originally from New York, she grew up in New Jersey, and now lives in Missouri with her real-life hero, her wonderful husband. When not reading or writing she enjoys cooking, travel, history, and puttering in her garden. On the side, she is a master cat wrangler and her two fur babies keep her very busy.

Her latest books in the Demon Hunters Series include Ascension, Deception, Betrayal and Defiance.


Website or Blog: http://asfenichel.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/asfenichel

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/A.S.Fenichel

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5154640.A_S_Fenichel

Can you tell us what your new book is about?

Defiance is book four in The Demon Hunter series. In a world fraught with demons threatening to destroy humankind, a company of Demon Hunters will risk everything to save the world.

While you might like to start with Ascension, all the books can stand alone. Each book takes the characters through the process of demon’s taking over England but also how love can endure and thrive even in desperate times.

Can you tell us a little about your main and supporting characters?

Defiance features Lady Serena, a young woman who was captured by demons and nearly killed. Rather than allow that moment to undo

her, she decides to become a demon hunter.

Meanwhile, her fiancƩ Thaddeus (Tad) joined the cause as soon as she was out of danger, not even waiting for her physical recovery. When Tad learns Serena is training at the demon hunter school, he rushes in to stop her.

But, the sweet debutant is gone and in her place is an exciting woman warrior.

Your book is set in England.  Can you tell us why you chose this location in particular?

I thought it would be fun to take an alternate historical look at Regency England. And it is!

How long did it take you to write your book?

About three months.

What has been the most pivotal point of your writing life?

It’s been ten years published and there have been so many great moments. Even so, I wrote for many years before that without any success. I have to say that first “call” telling me my book (Mayan Afterglow) would be published is still the highlight of my career.

What kind of advice would you give other Romance authors?

Never give up. Keep at it. Hone your craft; take courses, go to conferences and make friends with other authors. You will continue to grow and become a better writer with each and every book.