Interview with Dr. Anne Watson

Anne Watson is a Canadian author and educator and co-author of So You Have to Go to Court! A Child’s Guide to Testifying as a Witness in Child Abuse Cases with Wendy Harvey. She was raised in England, trained as a teacher, and after starting teaching in Canada at Thistletown Regional Centre School for Emotionally Disturbed Children, she then taught in the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, and in Palm Beach County USA. Just before beginning doctoral studies in Special Education Psychology at U. of T., she travelled right around the world. Once a doctor, she became a Prof at UBC and later at Trent U., then switched to doing psychoeducational assessments (CSI of the brain!). After 30 years of midnight oil reports and early morning parent meetings she retired to concentrate on writing and art. Her calling is to help people contact their Inner Voice – the Universe – by fast tracking open brain states using EEG devices, some of which can be glimpsed in a couple of scenes in her just finished movie, “A Thousand Reasons.” She has two successful adult kids and one almost grown up granddaughter.


Twitter Link: @Post_Hypnotic
About the Book

If we have intuitions (and we do) where do they come from? Where, in us, do they arrive? What, in us, allows us to receive and interpret them? And why? Why do we get them?
Fourteen years of research, often waiting for the science to catch up with a vision sent to me by the Universe, these questions are answered in lay terms for the wonderment and affirmation of those interested in energy from another plane.


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Can you tell us what your book is about?
Holographs in light bring us information, intuitions from the zero point field, to guide us, warn us, inform us, prepare us with pre-knowledge, so that we can be in harmony with our destinies.

Why did you write your book?
A vision, accompanied by a stranger’s voice, instructed me to make people know that their intuitions come from light and that obeying them brings us into harmony with the Universe. 

What kind of message is your book trying to tell your readers?
The message is don’t override your intuitions. They are your FIRST intelligence and no other intelligence is as fast, or as smart, and as benevolent. Get more in the habit of consulting your intuition, then do what it tells you. It loves you. You will feel clear

Is it hard to publish a nonfiction book? 
I don’t think so, because publishers enjoy some nonfiction brain stim. The hard part is getting the rest of the world to want to read nonfiction.

Which author(s) do you admire?
Nonfiction… Bruce Lipton, Walter Freeman, Steven Strogatz, Manjir Smanta-Laughton
Fiction… Michael Ondaatje, Jeanette Winterson, John Irving, Barbara Kingsolver, Zadie Smith

What would you do with an extra hour today if you could do anything you wanted?
I’m retired. With the exception of sometimes having to deal with banks, credit cards, insurance companies (who pay people to keep you on the phone your whole day, I swear), I only do what I want to do every day.

Which holiday is your favorite and why?
Christmas. Everyone is kind and thoughtful.

If we were to meet for lunch to talk books, where would we go?
The Library.

What do you like to do for fun?
Dance. Hang out with girlfriends in Caribbean bars and dance my butt off.

What do you like the most about being an author?
It absorbs me, challenging what I know against how best it can be received. It provides the complexity for which my brain hungers.
What kind of advice would you give other non-fiction authors?
If you have something you burn to say, and it will make the world a better place, then say it. The burn is your intuition.
If you have something to say that would be harmful to the world, don’t say it, get some help..