Interview with Children's Book Author Marin

My name is Marin and I was a child a very long time ago. My father passed away when I was one year old. My mother remarried and I was raised by my loving (but strict!) grandparents. After losing their son, they were terrified by the thought of losing their grandson. For this reason, they didn’t let me play on the street, swim in the nearby pond or explore the forest with the rest of the kids. This was also the reason I learned to read and write long before I went to school. My grandparents surrounded me with books. Books became my imaginary parents and my fictional friends. Apart from my genetic building blocks, books also came to be the main component in my development as a creative, compassionate and competitive individual.

I studied nuclear physics, art, and literature, but I enjoyed art the most. As a young artist, I was eager to succeed, winning prizes from various countries. I later became a partner in an advertising agency and switched my attention to serving clients. My last award was somewhere in the early nineties – The Best in the West by Corel Draw Corporation.

Oh, a few more boring things about me: I do not drive, I do not drink carbonated beverages, I have never consumed food from McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC or any other fast food restaurant, I do not have a mobile phone, I have never used legal or illegal drugs (except Gravol when I fly), and I have never visited my GP (much to the disapproval of my wife).

I read. I read every day. I am what I am today because of books. This publishing house is my little “thank you” to all of them.

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Author: Marin
Publisher: Fontreal
Pages: 32
Genre: Children’s Picture Book

‘TWAS THE NIGHT is a wordless book that “tells” a heartwarming and inspirational Christmas story. The illustrations gift each reader, young and young at heart, the opportunity to reimagine the Season’s wonder, and the freedom “to script” (if they choose to) their own lines to go with the images. Keep dreaming big!



Can you tell us what your new book is about?

The title of my new book is ‘Twas the Night. Although it sounds familiar and seemingly predictable, “it’s quite probable that the story will be like none they (the readers) have read or experienced before,” as one reviewer put it. I will open the hardcover for you and let you have a sneak peek: it is an entirely wordless book with rich illustrations that invite “the readers” to harness their imagination and develop their own story each time they look through the pages.

Can you tell us a little about your main and supporting characters?

There are two main protagonists in the story – a boy in a wheelchair and an injured dove. Although the key events revolve around Christmas, the illustrations intentionally did not include crowds filling the well-lit and festive streets. The goal was to centre “the readers’” attention to the plot, characters and make room for them as first-hand witnesses of the Christmas wonder. Also, I wanted to remove every other living creature from the plot, to simplify the narrative while making it mysterious and sophisticated.

Your book is set in a big city.  Can you tell us why you chose this location in particular?

Counter-intuitively, big cities often hinder social interactions. Many people, although surrounded by other human beings, feel lonely and isolated. Prevailing images of glass, concrete and asphalt are juxtaposed with the warmth and friendship between the boy and the dove. 

How long did it take you to write your book?

I have never really calculated the time spent developing “the story,” executing the illustrations, and designing the book as I simultaneously worked on other titles as well. Since the book did not require text editing, I believe it was ready for print within 30 or 40 days.

What has been the most pivotal point of your writing life?

I was a very busy and devoted parent dedicating the little free time I had to my family. When my two children went to university, I found myself with plenty of time to put my ideas into text and illustrations. I owned an advertising company for many years, and am familiar with the creative process; however, writing, illustrating, designing and publishing children’s picture books is incomparable pleasure.  

What kind of advice would you give other children’s authors?

Creativity is considered a matter of inspiration, maybe divine. Ideas are the seeds our imagination turns into gardens. Stay true to yourself and your garden will be as unique as you.