Today is character guest post day! We have Sal of William M. Hayes' new book, SAVE HIM, with us today. Welcome, Sal!

Hey, Sal here. Wow, look at you Tilly at As the Page Turns, ya hacked a military computer here that's supposed to be secure, asking for a "character guest post written by your author." Not sure why my boss, you know him as William M. Hayes, sent this to me, but the last mission out would make a whopper of a story, one you would never believe. Well, you gone and stepped into some real shit here. I'm a member of an elite military group that neither you— nor the world—has ever heard of before. And never will. So, Tilly, sorry to be the bearer of bad-ass news, but it's kinda out of my hands now. Here's a list of what's gonna happen:
1) You will be tracked down (helicopters are on route, have your position, and you will never hear them when they land).
2) You will be interrogated for months (just messing with you, maybe a day or two tops).
3) Um…you look like you're about to bolt. Yes, I can see you. I wouldn't run if I were you. These guys love it when you run. By car or if you actually decide to run, they will jump out of the helicopters and hunt you down. Yeah, the ones coming for you are all equipped with bodysuits that make you into a sort of flying squirrel.
Yep. You just heard me speaking out of thin air. The voice didn't come from your computer…it came from behind you. Hey, how about that—not only can I see you—I can now talk to you wherever and whenever I want. This one time, we hunted down this terrorist to his location. Not only was he a terrorist, he was also a human trafficking asshole and a black magic/devil worshiper. Triple threat, right? Anyway, we used air-voice (as we call it) and had him think he was being visited by one of the demons he worshiped. A demon called Malik, or Mailt, something like that. I can't remember. It's all fun and games until a real demon shows up for your soul. So this terrorist prick ran around to almost every room in the place he was holed up in to escape the voices and finally soiled himself, I shit you not. The one room he never tried to hide in to escape the voices was inside the bathroom. After that, he was easy to take down—guy was actually relieved to see us when we stormed his place. Sorry, rambling a little…here's what's next:
4) You will be taking a ride tonight to a military lab. No worries, it's all good. The place is awesome. It has all these levels. Three levels alone for the personnel working there to unwind. We are talking hot tubs, ping pong tables, a basketball court—yep you heard me right, a basketball court inside! There's also a room with a stocked bar and a pool table.
5) They are outside your door now. Just stay calm. I'll see you in a bit. We'll shoot some 8-ball before they question you, swap some stories. And don’t stress, you'll return to your normal life. And you won't remember a thing about what has happened tonight or the day or two of interrogations to come. We'll be using one of our wacky projects on you to make you forget everything about your upcoming stay at the lab. Some out-of-this-world technology going on in the remote woods of Masonville at Genesis.
6) Oops, I mentioned the town and the name of the lab. Ah…hell…it doesn't matter. You and your computer will never remember this night again.
See ya soon, your new friend Sal
1) You will be tracked down (helicopters are on route, have your position, and you will never hear them when they land).
2) You will be interrogated for months (just messing with you, maybe a day or two tops).
3) Um…you look like you're about to bolt. Yes, I can see you. I wouldn't run if I were you. These guys love it when you run. By car or if you actually decide to run, they will jump out of the helicopters and hunt you down. Yeah, the ones coming for you are all equipped with bodysuits that make you into a sort of flying squirrel.
Yep. You just heard me speaking out of thin air. The voice didn't come from your computer…it came from behind you. Hey, how about that—not only can I see you—I can now talk to you wherever and whenever I want. This one time, we hunted down this terrorist to his location. Not only was he a terrorist, he was also a human trafficking asshole and a black magic/devil worshiper. Triple threat, right? Anyway, we used air-voice (as we call it) and had him think he was being visited by one of the demons he worshiped. A demon called Malik, or Mailt, something like that. I can't remember. It's all fun and games until a real demon shows up for your soul. So this terrorist prick ran around to almost every room in the place he was holed up in to escape the voices and finally soiled himself, I shit you not. The one room he never tried to hide in to escape the voices was inside the bathroom. After that, he was easy to take down—guy was actually relieved to see us when we stormed his place. Sorry, rambling a little…here's what's next:
4) You will be taking a ride tonight to a military lab. No worries, it's all good. The place is awesome. It has all these levels. Three levels alone for the personnel working there to unwind. We are talking hot tubs, ping pong tables, a basketball court—yep you heard me right, a basketball court inside! There's also a room with a stocked bar and a pool table.
5) They are outside your door now. Just stay calm. I'll see you in a bit. We'll shoot some 8-ball before they question you, swap some stories. And don’t stress, you'll return to your normal life. And you won't remember a thing about what has happened tonight or the day or two of interrogations to come. We'll be using one of our wacky projects on you to make you forget everything about your upcoming stay at the lab. Some out-of-this-world technology going on in the remote woods of Masonville at Genesis.
6) Oops, I mentioned the town and the name of the lab. Ah…hell…it doesn't matter. You and your computer will never remember this night again.
See ya soon, your new friend Sal
Inside the book

Author: William M. Hayes
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 245
Genre: Military Faith-based Thriller
Author: William M. Hayes
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 245
Genre: Military Faith-based Thriller
And Rydel Scott travels back in time to do just that.
It is believed even the smallest change to the past can cause catastrophic repercussions for future generations. An elite military unit is sent back in time to hunt Rydel down before he can alter history and possibly kill millions in the process.
The unit and its commanding officers, Colonel John Adams and Unit Commander Ray Catlin, become divided. Catlin, a devout Catholic, claims he witnessed a miracle by Jesus upon arrival in Jerusalem and fervently believes in Rydel’s mission. Adams hasn’t believed in God since he was a boy and his only concern is the safety of the people in the present. They must now choose between the fate of Christ and the fate of present-day mankind.
They must decide if they will Save Him.
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