Interview with Mary Brooks, author of Mary Lives: A story of Anorexia Nervosa & Bipolar Disorder

Publication Date: March 5, 2014
Publisher: XlibrisAU
Formats: Ebook
Pages: 396
Genre: Mental Health
Tour Dates: July 24th-August 4th

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In this chaotic, desperate storm the brain tries hard to gather its fragmented parts, and anchor down the guy lines. To weather out this hopelessness, this turmoil and this pain, -prevent disintegration until the calm returns and clear skies come again.In this chaotic, desperate storm the brain tries hard to gather its fragmented parts, and anchor down the guy lines. To weather out this hopelessness, this turmoil and this pain, -prevent disintegration until the calm returns and clear skies come again.

Can you please tell us about your book and why you wrote it? 

This book is my life’s story and the battles through the decades of Anorexia Nervosa and Bipolar Affective Disorder. I wrote it at the time where I became hopeful that the eating disorder had lost a lot of its influence on me, and when I felt hopeful about the future. 

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced writing it? 

The biggest challenge has been wondering what other people would think about it, I would still appreciate feedback. 

Do you plan subsequent books? 

I have written 12 books of short stories 

When and why did you begin writing? 

Several years ago, when manic, I wrote lots of poetry, which I have included in the book. I also found myself writing to my psychologist or to myself, to try and work things out in my head. 

What is your greatest strength as an author? 

The book is honest and forthright, and I this is a great strength. 

Did writing this book teach you anything? 

Yes, I learned to put a lot of the past behind me, and open up to the wonderful prospects that the future holds, especially with being a grandmother.

Mary is a General Practitioner, a Family Doctor, and became anorexic and depressed at age 12. She writes of the chaos and pain of her life, through her abnormal adolescence and adult years, to the equilibrium of the current day. It is an enlightening and inspiring story of Anorexia Nervosa and Bipolar Affective Disorder or Manic Depression.