Title: Spiritual Steps on the Road to Success
Author: Linda Seger, Th.D.
Release Date: September 8, 2015
Publisher: Haven Books
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Format: Ebook/Paperback
Spiritual Steps on the Road to Success is available for order at

Q: Please tell us about your book and what inspired you to write it.
A: Spiritual Steps on the Road to Success: gaining the goal without losing your soul. I was inspired because I had taken a long time to find my way in terms of my career. When I became successful, I learned that the spiritual issues and challenges are quite different when successful than when one is trying to be. I wanted to explore these issues because I hadn't seen them written about before.
Q: What themes do you explore in Spiritual Steps on the Road to Success:Gaining the goal without losing your soul?
A:I spiritual issues related to success - such as discovering and finding one's calling. accepting blessings, taking a leap of faith, meeting the seven deadly sins, dealing with the scoundrels and scalawags one finds in any career, becoming important and becoming unimportant. creating a rhythm to one's life.
Q: Why do you write?
A:To tell the Truth.
Q: How picky are you with language?
A: I write and rewrite and presume any chapter will be rewritten at least 10 times to find the right word, the rhythm that makes the sentence enjoyable to read, to sometimes use internal rhymes even in non-fiction, to have fun with words and with humor. Sometimes I think I'm quite funny (even though these are not comedy books) and sometimes I might even be charming.
Q: When you write, do you sometimes feel as though you were being manipulated from afar?
A: Not manipulated, but spoken through, as if I am reaching higher and deeper than I am able to do on my own. It's sometimes as if the best and wisest and most insightful is moving through me
Q: What is your worst time as a writer?
A: Trying to sell the work - and feeling that I have so much more to offer but the business of selling and marketing is tough.
Q: Your best?
A: Finding the right words and saying it where I feel I tapped into The Truth about something.
Q: Is there anything that would stop you from writing?
A: Losing my mind and memory.
Q: What’s the happiest moment you’ve lived as an author?
A: Writing a sentence that makes me smile.
Q: Is writing an obsession to you?
A: A passion and love - not an obsession. There is a quietness and calm in writing whereas I think of obsessions as desparate.
Q: Are the stories you create connected with you in some way?
A: I write non-fiction and everything comes out my lived experience and understanding of ideas.
Q: Ray Bradbury once said, “You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.” Do you agree?
A: Well, one certainly doesn't want reality to make us into cookie-cutters or create compromises. And yet, my inspiration comes from reality so my reality inspires me, and doesn't destroy me.
Q: Where is your book available?
A: On amazon, barnesandnoble.com, through my website, in some bookstores.
Q: Do you have a website or blog where readers can find out more about you and your work?
Two - www.spiritualstepsbook.com and www.lindaseger.com.

For More Information Visit Linda at his website