Karen Solomon's Hearts Beneath the Badge Book Excerpt Tour - Excerpt #3 & Win $50 Amazon GC!

We are thrilled to be hosting Karen Solomon and her Hearts Beneath the Badge Book Excerpt Tour today!  As the Page Turns kicks off excerpt #3 and if you follow her tour here, you could win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!  All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below and leave comments on each of her stops for extra entries.  Good luck!


Title: Hearts Beneath the Badge
Author: Karen Solomon
Publisher: Missing Niche Publishing
Pages: 247
Genre: Nonfiction
Format: Hardcover/Paperback/Kindle/Nook

Hearts Beneath the Badge is a unique compilation of interviews with officers across the country. It's not about the crimes they witness or the judgment they face; it's about them - Damien, Danny, Frances, Ken, Pamela, Brian, and more. Their thoughts, their fears, their proud moments and their heartbreak. It's about the people we often don't see because we are blinded by the uniform.

They are among the hundreds of thousands that are unseen each day, the men and women that go back for more no matter the personal cost. They provide meals, rides, lifesaving breaths and prosthetic legs. Yes, even prosthetic legs. There is much more to them than meets the eye-or the news camera. By reading this book, you will open yourself to a world of people you may have forgotten existed. You will see the names, families and some of the faces of the police officers that don't make the news.

Hearts Beneath the Badge is a book about the good deeds officers perform. There is a pressing need for people to see more than just the officer's hearts; they need to see their souls. Society as a whole needs to accept police officers for who they are - mere mortals. In order to do that, they must look through the layers of the officer's lives and see the heartache and joy, the same heartaches and joy we all experience. Society also needs to know that, whether we want to admit it or not, there is a price to be paid for pursing the love of the law.

90% of all sales will be donated to National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund, Safe Call Now, Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) and PoliceWives.

For More Information

Excerpt 3: Preface:

Many will say I wrote this book because I am married to a police officer. Not so. My respect for law enforcement began when I was a child. I lived in what is now called affordable housing and an officer fresh out of the academy and his family lived a few doors down. As I grew up with Dave as a role model in my life, I saw, even at a young age, the difficulty of his job. What I never saw was anything more than a man doing his job. Men and women like Dave are easy to findyou simply have to remove your preconceptions of law enforcement.

So why did I write this book? It’s been a tough year for law enforcement. Actually, every year is a tough year for law enforcement. Men and women put on a badge and uniform to spend their working hours patrolling the streets. During their shift, they are spit, bled and vomited upon. They are dragged by cars, kicked, punched, stabbed, shot, and killed. They also stand by while the people they are paid to protect call them derogatory names, just inches from their faces. They are made out to be villains in the press and children are taught to fear, hate, and disrespect them.

An officer must balance politics, PTSD, training, public opinion, his or her own safety, the safety of their families, and the suicides and line-of-duty deaths of their brethren. They are supposed to be politicians, therapists, mediators, triage nurses, investigators and more. They are expected to make all the right choices, at all times, often with little time to process the unfolding events. They are held to a higher standard than in many other careers and little understanding and forgiveness is offered in return.

When their shift ends, the uniform and the badge are put away but the aftermath remains.

About the Author

Karen Solomon is interested in the feelings of law enforcement and whether or not they have someone that will listen to them, most of them do not. Most books on the market are written by the police officers themselves, in almost textbook fashion relating protocol and situations with the orderliness of a police report. Her books are different from every book out there because the officers bare themselves to her; many of the interviews end in tears because they have opened up something that is very difficult to close. Karen Solomon is a graduate of Eckerd College and blogs as The Missing Niche. Her writing has been featured on PoliceMag.com and To Write Love on Her Arms. She lives in New England with her husband, 2 children and 2 dogs. Proceeds of her latest book, Hearts Beneath the Badge, will be donated to law enforcement charities.

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Book Giveaway!

Giveaway Details:

Karen Solomon is giving away a $50 Amazon Gift Card!  Leave a comment on all the book excerpt blog stops and win 5 extra entries each time!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway