Book Review: Help Your Child to Thrive: Making the Best of a Struggling Public Education System, by Liane Brouillette

Present day public schools focus intensely on academic success. Social-emotional development is frequently given only incidental attention. If families are not prepared to take up the slack, students’ emotional growth may be impeded, resulting in diminished social skills, motivation, and ability to cope with stress.

Dr. Liane Brouillette gives parents effective strategies that can help their children to build a strong foundation in six key areas:
    Developing confidence
    Building human connections and a feeling of belonging
    Learning from consequences
    Nurturing emotional intelligence
    Acquiring a sense of agency

    Making wise decisions

As the Page Turns says...

Help Your Child to Thrive is an excellent book for parents. It not only prepares parents to understand the challenges children face in schools, but, more importantly, it shows parents in a clear, doable, no-nonsense way how to help their kids meet those difficulties. In an engaging, straight-forward style, Dr. Brouillette takes the reader through the public school system and the way it has deteriorated in recent years, especially due to the prevalence of bullying and drugs. Each chapter deals with a specific subject--confidence, emotional intelligence, decision-making, etc.--so parents may go directly to those chapters if they wish. 

If you think your child is performing under his or her full potential, or you believe she or he is struggling with peer pressure or relationships, this is a must read. Not only will parents become more confident in helping their child, but this book will also help them in knowing what to expect from schools. 

An educational researcher by profession, Dr. Brouillette's knowledge, professionalism and expertise come though in every page. Highly recommended! 

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