Guest post: The Story behind ‘Seasons of Empowerment for Adolescent Girls’ by Irene S. Roth

Seasons of AdolescentsI have been teaching teens and young adults for over twenty five years, and I have discovered how vulnerable adolescent girls feel when they are in their early teens. I have also spoken to a few teens in my church and in other communities too, and they all expressed a very raw vulnerability, one that I remember very well.
I wanted so badly to help them. Yet, at that point, I had not done any research or work in this area. So, I kept reading for years and jotting my ideas down in my writer`s journal until one day something clicked:  I knew that I had to do something to help these wonderful girls to live the best life that they were capable of. And that is how the idea for the book was born.
It took me many more years to do a lot of reading and research. I also spoke to a lot of experts, psychologists at conferences and philosophers over the years. The more I spoke to these experts, the more I discovered that a book on empowerment for teen girls was a must. So, that is when I started writing this book, and continued writing the book until it was finished.
The first draft took me a few months to write. But the revising took years. But now that I am holding the book in my hand, I know that it was worth it. But what is more, the adolescent girls who have read my book are really transformed by it, and inspired.
Sometimes book ideas come and go. I have had many ideas for books over time. But after writing this book, I know what the true test for pursuing a topic is: if you are so passionate about a topic that you want to write it because you believe that the world needs to read about what you have to say, then go ahead and write the book. And don`t stop until it is done!
Irene S. Roth is an academic and freelance writer for teens, tweens and kids. She has written over 500 book reviews and 1,000 online articles on different topics for teens, tweens, and about the craft of writing. She also teaches workshops on writing and craft at Savvy Authors. She lives in Stratford, Ontario with her husband and cat. Visit her at
In Seasons of Empowerment for Adolescent Girls, Ms. Roth argues that there are four seasons of empowerment for adolescent girls. Sadly no adolescent girl can simply wake up one day, snap her fingers, and be empowered to tackle the world and all the forces that exist inside and outside. Becoming empowered to be who we are can be truly difficult. This book consists of a step-by-step guide to help adolescent girls achieve self-improvement.
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