Talking Books with Dr. Mark Rogers, author of 'The Art and Science of Healing - with Light'

Dr. Mark Rogers has been a general practitioner for thirty years and developed his expertise in soft tissue injuries, chronic pain, and laser over the last twenty. A former migraine and back patient himself, he saw the need for a book specifically for patients and how to heal their pain. He has presented papers on his methods all over the world and lectures to post graduate Masters students. Three times nominated for Australian of the Year he lives in Adelaide, Australia, is married and has five children.

For More Information
Can you tell us what your book is about?
It’s about the true cause of chronic pain. Patients need to know that their pain is not a disease. Chronic pain is a misdiagnosis. Within ‘The Art and Science of Healing – with Light’ I explain that the cause of chronic pain is a soft tissue injury that has never been permitted to heal. Chronic pain is
not a disease, it is a genuine physical condition.
What kind of message is your book trying to tell your readers?
That they can heal. So many patients with chronic pain actually have undiagnosed and unhealed soft tissue injuries. Yet some have been told they have an incurable condition, so my message is, - you can heal.
Who influenced you to write your book?
The patients. They come to doctors for help, not just a prescription. They seek real knowledge about their bodies. I believe they know more about their bodies than I do, and it should be that way. When patients come to me and say they are in pain, I believe them. I listen to them. I ask them when their pain started and other important questions so I can understand them, not just dismiss them quickly so as to clear the waiting room. They are so courageous and determined to deal with their pain and live the best possible life. Most of what I know I learnt from my patients and it is immensely gratifying to be able to educate them about how to heal.
Which author(s) do you admire?
I admire anyone who has written a book but there are 2 books I currently admire. The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking by Oliver Burkeman, which is about releasing anxieties, because mental wellbeing is as important as physical health and we shouldn’t fear discussing it,  and The Brain that Heals Itself by Norman Doidge, the man who wrote The Brain that Changes Itself. I like that these books are about educating people about medicine beyond the mainstream. The authors, like me, believe the patients must be educated about their own bodies, and they do not fear speaking up against the medical mainstream which is formulaic and targeted to benefit the doctors not the patient.
Which holiday is your favorite and why?
Summer, in its entirety. The beach makes me feel good, and the sun and the light is good for healing.
Can you tell us about your family?
I have five beautiful children, three of them are adults, Eleanor, Olivia, and Oscar, and two youngest are Jack, 9, and Harriette, 7. I am very proud of them all and they are great people. I am happily married to Emily and I’m close to my parents and four siblings. My parents have 16 grandchildren. My father is a doctor and he inspired me to also become a doctor.
What kind of advice would you give other non-fiction authors?
Find the courage to say what you know, you believe in what you are writing about which is why you were driven to write it. You know your stuff and you know it makes a difference, so just do it. The world needs your truth, and if it empowers people then it is even more essential.