Review of 'Cinderella's Secret Slipper' by Alinka Rutkowska‏

Book Description

"Cinderella's Secret Slipper" is a story of our favorite princess who more than anything else wants to wear her famous glass slippers to her son's birthday party. But she can't because her four-year-old smashed one of them in an attempt at killing a mosquito on the wall. Where is she going to get a glass slipper now?

My thoughts...

This delightful children's picture book follows the Cinderella story after she's married the prince and they have a little son.

The tale begins with the announcement of their son's fourth birthday and their plans for a celebration ball. Cinderella is excited and goes into her closet to select what she'll wear. She finds the perfect golden dress, but lo and behold, there's only one glass slipper! Where's the other one? To her shock, her little darling son is smashing it against the wall, trying to kill a mosquito. 

Thus embarks Cinderella on a little quest to repair her slipper in time for the ball. Unfortunately, she's not having much success. Then, something surprising happens when she enters the enchanted forest and meets her fairy godmother.

This is a charming little fairytale that not only children but adults will enjoy. It is humorous and kept me smiling throughout. I also loved the modern, cartoonish illustrations, which add to the humor. Children will love this upbeat tale at storytime or before going to sleep. Delightful and highly recommended!

Reviewed by Mayra Calvani

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Find out about the author, Alinka Rutkowska.