Love Letters From a Doughboy by Margie Howd with Melissa Watkins Starr Book Feature

Title: Love Letters from a Doughboy
Author: Margie Howd with Melissa Watkins Starr
Publisher: iUniverse
Pages: 178
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: Ebook
 Purchase at AMAZON

 Thomas Fletcher first sees her in 1916, at a drug store in Birmingham, Alabama. He doesn’t know her, but her brown hair and beautiful eyes captivate him. He soon learns her name—Juliette Wilcox—and she would learn his. Their attraction cannot be denied, but something stands in their way. Thomas is a drafted soldier, about to be sent to Europe to fight in the dreaded World War I. Although Juliette begs for them to be married before he goes to boot camp, he doesn’t want to leave her a widow. Their letters will keep them close. Letters are all they will have until he returns from the battlefield—hopefully, alive. For the next four years, letters arrive from far off France and Germany to Juliette’s front porch in Alabama. For the next four years, their love grows, develops, and increases. Even so, war is a dark force, and many men never return. Will Thomas be one of the soldiers lost, or will he come home and make Juliette’s dreams of marriage a happy reality?


  Margie Howd has a degree in sociology from the University of Evansville. Now sixty-three, she lives with her husband, Jim, in a large retirement area in central Florida called The Villages. This is her first book. 

Margie is giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

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  • This giveaway begins February 2 and ends on February 13.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on Monday, February 16.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
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