Guest Post from Erick Williams, author of Guardian

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Title: Guardian
Author: Erik Williams
Publisher: Harper Voyage Impulse
Pages: 254
Genre: Military Thriller
Format: Paperback/Kindle

 The heart-pounding, action-packed sequel to Demon. A secret order at war with itself. A Syrian official who wants to set the Middle East ablaze. And all of them want nothing more than one unlucky CIA agent …

 CIA agent Mike Caldwell just confronted a fallen angel and survived. But he wasn't the only one tracking down Semyaza, and the demon's escape from an ancient tomb has caught the attention of several powerful entities. Now they will stop at nothing to get Mike to play by their rules. Mike must head out on an international mission to confront the covert brotherhood in an effort to save the world from destruction.

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So, what is GUARDIAN? Well, it’s a book.  It’s a sequel to my novel DEMON.  It’s chock full of action, horror, thrills and chills, heroism, and just a bit of humor.   Genre wise, it’s hard to peg.  Equal parts spy thriller, action thriller, horror thriller, military thriller, religious thriller, supernatural thriller…Hey, I’m saying thriller a lot. Let’s just say it’s a big giant thriller full of awesomeness.

Most of all, it’s an entertainment.   I hate the idea of wasting a reader’s time, and, heaven forbid, bore them.  This book, I’m proud to say, fails in both regards.  I guarantee you will not be bored or feel like I’ve stolen several hours from your soul.

Okay, so what’s it all about?  Here’s the synopsis:

The heart-pounding, action-packed sequel to Demon.
A secret order at war with itself. A Syrian official who wants to set the Middle East ablaze.
  And all of them want nothing more than one unlucky CIA agent …
CIA agent Mike Caldwell just confronted a fallen angel and survived. But he wasn't the only one tracking down Semyaza, and the demon's escape from an ancient tomb has caught the attention of several powerful entities. Now they will stop at nothing to get Mike to play by their rules.
Mike must head out on an international mission to confront the covert brotherhood in an effort to save the world from destruction.
Anyway, hope you’ll give it a shot.

Erik Williams is a former naval officer and current defense contractor (but he's not allowed to talk about it). He is also the author of Demon and numerous small press works and short stories. He currently lives in San Diego with his wife and three daughters. When he's not at his day job, he can usually be found changing diapers or coveting carbohydrates

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