Interview with Jinna Van Vliet, author of Crystal Lotus

Crystal LotusTitle: Crystal Lotus
Author: Jinna Van Vliet
Publisher: Xlibris
Pages: 129
Genre: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Ebook
 Purchase at AMAZON

 The Harmonic convergence in 1987 launched the awakening of the Mass Consciousness into the realization that human consciousness is rising into a higher frequency. Coined as the Big Shift it created many guidelines to help with this transition process. Crystal Lotus is just one such guide gifted to us by the Divine Feminine Creator Energy through one of her Aspects, the Goddess Quan Yin.

Can you tell us what your latest book is all about?

My latest book is called QUAN YIN SPEAKS. This book is all about the messages of the Goddess Quan Yin as she takes us on a historical journey of the human spiritual adventure.

How did you come up with the idea?

The Goddess encouraged me to publish this information that it may help humanity.

What kind of research did you do before and during the writing of your book?

I read other spiritual books with the same concepts and also spoke with some of the known spiritual authors.

Can you give us a short excerpt?

“In the eyes of the Creator, everything happens in an instant, in one inhaling or exhaling breath as time does not exist within the eternal awareness of All That Is. Within the Universal Mind of God, there are no mistakes and all human events, circumstances, situations or relationship issues are unfolding in perfect timing within the intelligence of the Divine Plan.”

In your own experience, is it hard to get a nonfiction book published today? How did you do it?

It is not hard for there are many publishers available. All one needs is the patience and the finances to get the book published. I searched for the one that could give me the best possible service for a self-publishing author.