Interview with D.L. Anderson, author of 'Unlocking the Mystery of You: The Pinnacle of Purpose'

D. L. Anderson is a speaker and life trainer whose goals are centered on helping others live a life of purpose, excellence, and balance. Drawing on 15+ years of experience in various fields including information technology, consulting, and business management, D. L. Anderson is very excited to be able to effectively teach others the same principles which have made his life both fulfilling and successful.

His latest book is the self-help book, Unlocking the Mystery of You: The Pinnacle of Purpose.
For More Information
Can you tell us what your book is about?

“Unlocking the Mystery of You” is a book which guides individuals in their quest for fulfillment by providing them with a roadmap to understanding and fulfilling their purpose. The argument I make is this: the primary reason why approximately 70% of our world is admittedly unfulfilled is because they are not living their life with purpose. The
question then is – what does it mean to live your life with purpose? I answer this question conclusively in this book.

Why did you write your book?

I wrote this book because I once was leading a very unfulfilling and unexceptional life. That was in spite of my socioeconomic status. That’s when I began to search for a clear path to turn my life around so that I could experience continued fulfillment while understanding the true meaning of success – and I did. I discovered such a path and have verified its effectiveness and value in my own life. From now I want to share the lessons I have learned with others who, like me, are tired of the persisting states of unhappiness and discontentment, and will stop at nothing to find the fulfillment they are seeking.

What kind of message is your book trying to tell your readers?

The message my book conveys is as follows: everyone in the world has a purpose to fulfill which is unique to their individual being. As such, no one can fulfill your purpose but you just as no one can fulfill my purpose but me. At the same time, fulfilling your purpose is neither easy nor uncomplicated. Therefore, I provide various tips, advice, training and the like to help each “purpose seeker” as they strive to fulfill their calling in life. If this is something you are interested in, this is a book you must read. 

Who influenced you to write your book?

My brother was my greatest influence and inspiration for writing this book. He died a young man, at the age of 30, and left his young wife and his 2 children behind him. In the last month of his life, we talked for hours on average each week – and more than anything, he lamented about all the things he would not get to do with his family, all the events he would miss, and how ultimately he had not fulfilled his purpose.
He warned me that the same could and would befall me even if I did not die a young man if I did not stop sitting on my purpose. Within a month after he died, I began writing this book and promised myself and my brother that I would fulfill my purpose at all costs; even if it was the last thing I’d do.

Is it hard to publish a nonfiction book?

It is hard if you are not motivated by an authentic purpose which will allow you to press your way through the difficult parts of the publishing process.

Have you suffered from writer’s block and what do you do to get back on track?

It’s been years since I’ve experienced anything close to “writer’s block.” I believe it’s because I generally only write about those things I have intimate knowledge of. Therefore, my advice to each writer would be to concentrate writing on topics which you can address at a certain level of expertise. Then again, I would also adopt a writing routine. Mine is simply getting a cup of warm green tea and listening to soft music. I, being a creature of habit, do it every time before I start to write – and it’s always worked. So to sum it up: write what you know, and try adopting a writing routine.

What would you do with an extra hour today if you could do anything you wanted?

I would read a book. Many writers don’t read enough because we’re too busy writing. However, I believe that we improve our writing skills by regularly reading the works of other authors – and we further validate our profession as well as our own office.

If we were to meet for lunch to talk books, where would we go?

Starbucks. I find it an intellectually stimulating environment – and I love coffee.

What do you like the most about being an author?

I like the fact that I have the opportunity to help and to heal on a large scale while utilizing my greatest gift (i.e. my creative writing voice). It is the most fulfilling aspect of my life and I look forward to writing tens, maybe hundreds of books in years to come.

What kind of advice would you give other non-fiction authors?

If you’re writing your book to make money, I would advise against it. In my opinion, you should write because you have a message or a story to share which can help others who are in similar situations or facing similar challenges. Being an author, by default, elevates you to the level of “expert.” So be responsible and accountable for what you are writing and be sure you are writing for the right reasons; that is primarily for your audience as opposed to yourself, while remembering your book will not be for everyone. Otherwise you may be disappointed with the outcome of publishing your book, even if your book is by purest definition a success.