Interview with Douglas Gardham, author of The Actor

Title: The Actor

Author: Douglas Gardham

Publisher: iUniverse

Pages: 352

Genre: Fiction

Format: Ebook

It is 1991 when Ethan Jones finally wins the role of his dreams in an upcoming, big screen movie. With the envelope holding the script clutched in his hand, he arrives at his California apartment where he can hardly wait to tell his girlfriend the exciting news. But when he finds the door unexpectedly ajar, he has no idea that in just a few seconds, the life he has fought so hard to obtain will be shattered. Eight years earlier, Ethan is attending university in Ottawa, Canada. One evening after seriously contemplating suicide, he finds his way into a club where he meets Mila Monahan, a beautiful acting student who saves him from himself. After he watches Mila rehearse a university play, Ethan catches the acting bug and decides to pursue his own creative passions, causing a collision with his more secure ideals. But when Mila suddenly disappears, Ethan vows he will never stop chasing the dream she inspired in him, believing in a world entirely different from the one he is living in. The Actor is a gripping tale of a young man’s unforgettable journey of self-discovery in overcoming the trauma of a personal tragedy. It is a story of love, hardship, persistence and overwhelming joy where The Actor learns he can portray anything he can imagine.
Could you please tell us a little about your book?
The Actor: A Novel is the story of a young man’s journey of self-discovery in overcoming the trauma of a tragedy he goes through by chasing a dream—a dream that’s not quite what it seems. It’s a story of love, hardship, persistence and overwhelming joy. The Actor reads like a thriller—a psychological thriller—but it’s more than that with an unforgettable ending.

Who or what is the inspiration behind this book? 
The inspiration for the novel came from seeing the movie Titanic when it first came out. I became fascinated by what someone would go through—the ups and downs—of getting up from what they were doing and chasing a dream.

What cause are you most passionate about and why? 
Today, probably addiction—chemical and alcohol—because of how something that people know will destroy their lives and yet they can’t help themselves.

Do you have any rituals you follow when you finish a piece of work?
Not really. The feeling of completion is an unbelievable feeling of satisfaction. I’ll take my wife out for a nice dinner.
Who has influenced you throughout your writing career?
Two major writers who I’ve never met: Stephen King whose “constant reader” notes that accompany many of his novels made me feel I could actually write a novel and Robertson Davies whose quote “writing is more about discipline and diligence than anything else” helped me realize writing wasn’t just in the ability to write down a story. And Hemingway with his short sentences and ability to put into words, emotion and passion. I would be remiss in not including the band Rush—music creativity and craftsmanship.
What are some of your long term goals?
To get to write and create for the rest of my life. When you touch and get to do what you truly love, you can’t turn away.
Douglas Gardham is a writer who loves music, movies, and books. He lives near Toronto, Canada, with his wife and dog. This is his first published novel.