Publisher: Criffel Publishing
Pages: 142
Genre: Business
Format: Kindle
What happens when businesses, families or individuals fail to be accountable for their actions and decisions? It can be devastating for business results, relationships and reputations. Culture Without Accountability - WTF? What’s The Fix? is full of real life stories of what accountability looks like, what can go wrong without it, and offers a proven process for installing an accountability-based culture—a platform for success in business and in everyday life. Drawing on their combined years of experience in senior global leadership roles at Motorola, Julie Miller and Brian Bedford founded MillerBedford Executive Solutions in 2001. MillerBedford addresses issues that are limiting the progress of organizations, and increases business success by improving strategy, culture, and leadership. And their clients actually report having fun in the process!
For More Information
- Culture Without Accountability is available at Amazon.
- Pick up your copy at Barnes & Noble.
Ho Ho Ho, or Bah Humbug?
What choices are YOU planning to make over the holidays?
As we approach the holiday period, we’ve been thinking a lot about choices. Life is all about choices, and the bottom line is that we-and only we-are responsible for our choices and our actions. Here’s one of our favorite quotes;
“Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It’s not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument or your age that is to blame. You, and only you, are responsible for every decision and choice you make. Period.”
The way we choose to behave is the one thing over which we have total control. So here are five questions for you as we approach the holidays. What choices will you make?
- Are you going to make promises you just know you won’t keep? “Of course I’ll drop by your party!” “Yes, I’ll make some cookies for the Christmas event!” Or are you going to be an accountable person, and be someone whose word you can take to the bank?
- Are you going to be on time for your appointments? Sometimes life happens, and you can’t avoid being late –a last-minute guest dropping by, holiday traffic- but if you don’t make an effort, and you’re consistently late, you’re saying “I’m more important than you are”.
- Are you going to tell the truth? Do any of these sound familiar; “I haven’t had time to shop for your gift yet.”, “No-one told me”, “It wasn’t my fault”. Or are you going to resolve to fess up, be honest, and take it on the chin?
- Are you going to apologize if you behave badly? We’re all under pressure, particularly at holiday time, but if you choose to be snappish or bad-tempered, will you try to justify yourself, or will you own it, explain and apologize?
- Are you going to put yourself first, or are you going to think of others? When you’re driving to the mall for last-minute gifts, will you cut people off to gain a few moments? Will you steal the last parking space near the door, and force that elderly woman to look elsewhere?