A Conversation with Lee Papa, author of 'The Temple of All Knowing'

Lee Papa’s start in the corporate world was in sales for the Hyatt Regency Hotel chain, which led to being head hunted by a NY based real estate developer. Lee spent the next 11 years as a key employee working in commercial real estate leasing and management in Baltimore, Maryland. Although, commercial real estate was now in her blood and she loved the art of the deal, a different road in the industry was presenting itself and that brought her to heading up the benchmarking division for a Los Angeles based real estate consulting firm. Her job had her traveling nationally and setting up programs to benchmark customer satisfaction. Understanding there was not a one shoe fits all approach to customer surveying, she embarked on her entrepreneurial journey and started with consulting to serve the customized needs of her clients.
Lee’s first book, The Temple of All Knowing, is a memoir of her several years journey prior to her near death experience, through the completion of the 6,000 square foot Ganesha Center in Las Vegas. The book details the roadmap from personal darkness through spiritual, emotional and physical transformation.
Since the completion of the manuscript the Las Vegas Sanctuary for the Spirit evolved by moving to a downtown Las Vegas location and now offers targeted classes and workshops while focusing on a Virtual Ganesha Center supporting individuals and corporations with programs and a Referral Network with expansive reach for optimal awareness.

For More Information
Can you tell us what your book is about?

This book, The Temple of All Knowing is a memoir that details my journey from hardship, despair and obstacles to deep understanding and peace by way of a near death experience.

Why did you write your book?

This information is too important to keep for just a few.  Its life changing.

What kind of message is your book trying to tell your readers?

There are many many messages but here are a few:
·        There is no death, just life and life.
·        Fear is a parasite that disables our true nature.
·        We have all the answers within us.
·        Everything is energy and we create our reality.

Who influenced you to write your book?

Well, the Light.  LOL.  My nonphysical guides urged and urged and then messages through others like one of my dear friends and mentors, Sharon Bridwell www.oracleoftheage.com who is a psychic medium and channel.

Is it hard to publish a nonfiction book?

If you see it as hard, it will be hard.  Now, that is the metaphysical/spiritual answer but to go deeper into what I feel that you are really asking.  I would say, yes, it can be very challenging.  Writing, publishing and marketing a book is certainly not for the faint of heart.  It takes work. 

Which author(s) do you admire?

Oh, good one. Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love.  She is a smart, witty, authentic writer.

Have you suffered from writer’s block and what do you do to get back on track?

Yes, of course.  I allow it.  Don’t resist it and wait.

What would you do with an extra hour today if you could do anything you wanted?

I am doing it right now enjoying this interview.  J Then, go for a run.

Which holiday is your favorite and why?

Christmas. I have celebrated Christmas many different ways and in different stages of my life it held a more significant meaning than others.  But, now I have an appreciation for it as a time for contemplation and renewal.  A time to slow down and appreciate the beauty of my life.  The lights and decorations are so beautiful. Christmas, is no longer a religious holiday for me but rather a spiritual time to embrace the splendor of it, family, friends, gratitude.  As a foodie, I love this time of year for all the deliciousness of tastes and smells. Warm and yummy. A sensory explosion.

If we were to meet for lunch to talk books, where would we go?

It would depend on what city we were in.  Maybe it would be an independent book stores.  I am tactile and love the feel of a paper book in my hands.  It would have a cozy place for coffee for us to enjoy the conversation. 

What do you like to do for fun?

My work is my play and I enjoy it very much.  But beyond that, I love road trips, travel of any kind.  I love a nature weekend exploring a new inn and then a 5 star trip to Paris.  Laughter is high on my list of what I enjoy. Making my son laugh, a humorous communication with a friend or a superbly funny movie.  I adore food and wine.  It could be in my own kitchen creating a loving meal or enjoying a fabulous new restaurant.  I like yummy noises.

What do you like the most about being an author?

It is a fabulous creative outlet for sharing and inspiring.

What kind of advice would you give other non-fiction authors?

Write from the heart.