Interview with Reverend Carol Hale, author of Baby to Senior Spiritual Life Years



Title: Baby to Senior Spiritual Life Years Genre: Religion/Spirituality
Author: Rev. Carol A Hale
Publisher: AuthorHouse
EBook: 112 pages
Release Date: April 29, 2011

 The spirit guides our life. It opens our life as a child and always stays with us. After each prayer our spirit will speak to your mind about God's decision and we will hear about he best task for life. The spirit and prayers always gives us comfort relaxations to the mind. When the body has been or is in a accident, is sick, having surgery, financial problems, and life events. My life has had several perfect body safety and healings i was six or seven months old. The spirit with God guided my jobs and acceptance of my birth as a lesbian.  


 Can you tell us what your latest book is about?

My first book is called 'Baby to Senior Spiritual Life Years'. It is about my life and spirituality with God and Jesus from age 4 to my current age of 75.

How did you come up with the idea?

My spirit as always guided me and told me how to do things. My spirit always guides me on how to be with God at all times.

What kind of research did you do before and during the writing of the book?

I was a physical education teacher in sports with children in parks for over 30 years. I was told by God to be a Pastor when I went to my first MCC church in Gainesville, Florida. I was in a learning class in Jacksonville and a pastor was giving a lesson on how to be a pastor. He saw me and told me to get into his church as an assistant until I was a legal pastor. I moved over and worked in that church. I did not write my book until I retired from a pastor at the age of 63.