Interview with Praying Medic, author of 'Divine Healing Made Simple'

Praying Medic is a paramedic and author living in Phoenix, Arizona. Since 2009, he has written about the miracles God has done through his medical practice. He is married to his best friend and business partner. His first book Divine Healing Made Simple was published in December of 2013. 

His life goal is to teach people to live as ambassadors of God's kingdom. His books and articles are intended to inspire, challenge and if necessary, provoke readers into a deeper relationship with God. 

If you're interested in connecting with him outside of Amazon, he has a personal blog where he writes about the miraculous. You can contact him there.

Can you tell us what your book is about?

The main focus of my book is to provide a simple approach to healing illness and
injuries for people with little or no religious background and to answer the most common questions people have about divine healing.

Why did you write your book?

Unlike most writers, I never had any interest in being a published author. I was quite happy just being a paramedic. But over a two year period I wrote about 30 articles on the subject of healing. The articles helped people understand healing better, and they provided answers to some of the most common questions people have. A number of friends told me that more people would benefit from the information I shared if I wrote a book, so I spent about a year turning the articles into a book manuscript.

What kind of message is your book trying to tell your readers?

Anyone can operate in supernatural healing, regardless of their education, social status, or spiritual background and healing can be done in virtually any type of setting.

Is it hard to publish a nonfiction book?

I self-published my book and it was not as hard as I imagined it would be. Amazon made the process pretty straight-forward. Once we had the cover images and text document ready, publishing the book was a breeze. I would encourage authors to check out Amazon’s self-publishing services and see if it’s something that might work for them.

Have you suffered from writer’s block and what do you do to get back on track?

I currently have six book manuscripts in the works right now. I was 30,000 words into my 3rd manuscript when I hit a wall. I just ran out of inspiration. Instead of trying to write more, I spent the weekend editing what I had already written. After the initial 30,000 words were written and edited, I found that I could write about 500 to 1000 words at a time before running out of inspiration again. I would close the document and take a mental rest for about 30 minutes. When I rested, I received new inspiration on a different subject. I'd open the document and write until I had it all down then I would have to walk away and rest again. I think it can be helpful to keep the flow of inspiration going by alternating periods of writing and resting.

What do you like the most about being an author?

Most of what I write is aimed at helping people develop their spiritual gifts. I get a lot of positive feedback from readers who try my suggestions and find that they work. When someone is set free or healed because of something they read in my book – it’s immensely gratifying to me.

What kind of advice would you give other non-fiction authors? 

My advice to anyone who wants to write a successful non-fiction book is to begin by starting a personal blog. If you’re new to writing, developing a regular habit of writing can be a difficult process. If you’re a veteran writer – the problem is usually marketing what you write. Writing regularly on a personal blog solves both of these problems.

Most people who want to write books never write them because they never develop a regular habit of writing. Blogging can give you the motivation you need to write regularly. Blogging also puts your writing in front of an audience that can give you feedback. All writers need to hone their writing skills. A good way to go through the process of becoming a better writer is to let readers tell you what they like and don’t like about your material. If you respond to criticism by changing (and improving) your writing style, you will become a better writer.

When you post messages on a blog you’re creating an audience of readers who will likely buy your book once it is written. If they like your blog posts – chances are they’ll like your books. You do the writing and let search engines bring interested people to your blog. After you’ve written a certain number of messages, you may find that they can easily be converted to the chapters of your first book. A personal blog can be the marketing tool you need to get your books in the hands of a larger audience.