Playing Book Trivia with Leonard H. Roller, author of 'Darklight'

It’s time to play... 

Periodically, we scour the Internet for interesting authors who would like to play Book Trivia with us.  By answering our book trivia questions, we get to learn things about the author no one else knows!  So, let’s get ready…let’s play…Book Trivia!

Today our guest author is Leonard H. Roller, author of the poetry book, Darklight.

In the movie Castaway, if Tom Hanks unearthed a copy of Darklight”, how would that help Tom find a way off the island?

He would, by reading and reflecting upon the book, escape from the nagging world of immediate necessity into the liberating world of the Divine.

Everyone knows rock star idol Brittany Spears is always in trouble with everything you can think of.  In what way could your book help her and set her life back on track?

Some people are reprobate (or is that “recidivist?”) by nature. If Spears were to be interested in reading my book, “Darklight,” she’d already be on the way to recovery!

You have a chance to appear on the hit talent show for authors, American Book Idol, and the mighty judges will determine whether your book will make it to Hollywood and become a big screenplay.  What would impress them more – your book cover, an excerpt or your best review – and why?

The book cover. It’s so visual! And, hopefully, eye-catchingly dramatic! (That’s show biz, right?) It might inspire the “mighty judges” as well as screenwriters!

You have five seconds to tell us who the greatest author of all time is.  In your opinion, who would that be?

Aside from me? William Shakespeare.

A homeless man was caught stealing your book out of a bookstore.  When asked why he did it, he opened the book and pointed a passage out.  What was that passage? 

With dilithium engine sputtering/I prepare/Not boldly, perhaps/But ready just the same/To go where all men have gone before. 

You have been told your book has won one free year on a billboard in any one state.  What state do you feel would be best for your book and why?

State of euphoria. No, seriously, California. Because it is a land of visionaries, Jesus freaks, scientists and nature-lovers.

They’ve invented a board game using the theme of your book.  What would the title of it be that would be different from your book and which retail store would they place it to make the most sales?

“Cosmic Wars.” Barnes and Noble.

The Arbor Day Foundation has decided to pick one tree in your honor because of your writing brilliance.  What kind of tree is it and why did they choose that tree in relation to your book?

Will an annual, flowering plant do? “Cosmos”

President Barack Obama has become the author of several books and he has requested your presence at a special hush hush meeting to discuss ways to promote it.  Through luck of the draw, you were chosen.  What would be the first thing you would say to Barack?


Finally, you just got word that your book has received the 2013 NY Times Bestselling Book Award and you have to attend the ceremony at the Four Seasons Hotel in Manhattan.  Anyone who’s anyone will be there and it’s your shot for stardom.  On stage, you must give an acceptance speech.  What would you say and who would you thank?

I would thank God for whatever inspiration inheres in my poems, and for providing splendid subject-matter. That would probably empty out the place. I would not thank The NY Times, because I seriously doubt that they would deign to list my book.

Leonard H. Roller was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey. He holds a BA degree in journalism from New York University, an MA in comparative literature from Columbia University. He has worked as an actor and public relations executive whose clients included such stars as Audrey Hepburn, Kirk Douglas, Joan Crawford, Paul Newman, and others. He’s been a communications consultant for Lockheed, Mattel, and Hilton Hotels and Resorts. He has served as a French translator for the U. S. Army in France, where he spent leave time climbing in the Alps. The author of a communications training text The Profits of Persuasion  (International Resources, 1986), his poems have been published in The Lyric, Pearl, The Storyteller, Deronda Review, Ancient Paths, Snowy Egret, Space and Time Magazine, Thema, California Quarterly, and many others.

His latest book is a book of poetry, Darklight.

Visit his website at 

From ancient Greece to the 21st century, poets have gazed at the heavens, trying to unlock the mystery and beauty of the cosmos in verse. In his charming new collection, DARKLIGHT, Leonard H. Roller, one of those poetic seekers, leavens his fascination with the cosmos and love of writing poetry with a gentle humor that will leave readers chuckling while they ponder the great celestial questions and What It All Means.

In the 77 poems in DARKLIGHT, Roller employs a range of poetic styles – from classical sonnets to free verse – to present his unique vision of such astronomical concepts as black holes, dark energy, the “Big Bang” theory, white dwarf stars , multiverses, the possible beginning and end of our universe and the existence of God.

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