Interview with Sheila L. Jackson, author of 'Where Was God?'

Sheila L. Jackson lives with her family in Shreveport, Louisiana. She is an anointed speaker, teacher, and writer that utilize her gifts to carry the Word of God to those in need of spiritual soul food. Sheila has penned two, inspirational non-fiction books, The Enemy Within and Through the Eyes of God. She has also written several inspirational and social articles for a local newspaper and magazine. 

Her latest book is the Christian fiction romance suspense, Where Was God? (Their Hearts Burned to be Together).

For more information about this author and books, visit her website at

Can you tell us what your book, Where is God?, is about?

Where Was God is a book that deals with many of the issues we are faced with today. Fayth Angelica Hope is a young woman who, her mother despised since birth. She is physically, mentally, and emotionally abused, which carries over into her adult life. She turns her back on the church and her family who she thought was supposed to protect her, her faith, and love. In a nut-shell, it’s about redemption, with the help of a young man, by the name of Jasion McCoy who teaches her how to love again.

Why did you write your book?

I wanted to bring many of the issues most families sweep underneath the rug to light. Parents don’t realize how they scar their children for life. Some are able to rise above the abuse, while others succumb to it, never able let go and live a normal life.

Can you tell us a little about your main and supporting characters?

Fayth Angelica Hope (Heroin) wants to live a normal life, but she is crippled by her past abuse and failed relationships. Jasion McCoy (Hero) falls for all the wrong women in his search for Mrs. Right. Unfortunately, for him, he may be serving prison time for embezzlement. Nicole Swaggart (Antagonist) is   self-centered. She plays by nobody rules, except her own. There are more shady, hilarious, and dramatic characters inside the pages of, Where Was God.

Are you consciously aware of the plot before you begin a novel or do you discover it as you write?

I discover the plot as I go. Just like the readers, I want to be surprise of how the story will turn out. Knowing the plot beforehand, bores me, I love the not knowing until the juices of creativity starts flowing.

Your book is set in Port City, Louisiana. Can you tell us why you chose this city in particular?

Port City is the name, native Louisianans use to refer to Shreveport. I choose this name, because I wanted a little bit of home in my book.

What would you do with an extra hour today if you could do anything you wanted?

I’d go hide somewhere and sleep. With two teenage, active daughters, one who plays high school varsity basketball, juggling a husband, and a career, leaves little time for me.

Can you tell us about your family?

I have the best family in the world. I am extremely close to my daughters, they love handing out with me. My husband supports my dreams. No matter what I want to do in life, he’s onboard with it.

What do you like the most about being an author?

I love touching people lives with the words God breathe into my spirit. Knowing that lives are changed and life lessons are learned through the stories I tell, is a blessing as well as rewarding.

What is the most pivotal point of a writer’s life?

Knowing a publishing company believes in my story and me as an author enough to sign me to a contract. To me, its validation for all the doors that were closed in my face and that one person believed in my work to get behind my project to bring it to the public.

What kind of advice would you give other fiction authors?

If writing is your passion, never let anyone stop you from doing just that. Know that it takes only one yes to fulfill your dreams. Rejection will come but use it as a teaching tool to better your craft. Don’t wallow in it; keep moving and one day someone will see your hard.