Interview with Michael Goffinet, author of 'They Call Me Superman'

Michael Goffinet was born and raised in Southern California. After earning his Masters of Health Administration degree, he worked in the health care industry for the last two decades.  He currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada with his wife of twenty years and his teenage son. He is an avid golfer and when he’s not reading or writing he can be found on the golf course.

His latest book is the action thriller, They Call Me Superman. 

Visit his website at

Can you tell us what your book is about?  

Marcus Evans is a new kind of super hero. Born with superhuman strength, he is compelled to join the Army Rangers, where his abilities create an unique assassin against the war on terror. After his stint with the Rangers, he joins forces with reclusive billionaire Robert Sinclair, who has been his mentor and father-figure since the age of sixteen. A whirlwind of action-packed adventures leads Marcus to the discovery of an alien spaceship that unlocks secrets about his life, which will shock him to his very core, secrets that Robert has been hiding from Marcus his entire life.

Can you tell us a little about your main and supporting characters?

Marcus Evans is the MC. He’s a tall muscular man gifted with extraordinary strength, thus, the nickname Superman. He’s not very outgoing, but has a clever sense of humor. He is fearless and dedicated to doing the right thing. Marcus normally has his emotions well under control, but the month of August will test his sanity as he discovers secrets about himself that will shatter his world. His best friend, Charlie Washington, is very outgoing. He thinks he’s hilarious, but his wit is often lost on others. While, he loves Marcus, he often feels as if he lives in Marcus’ shadow. They both work for the Angel Society, ran by Robert Sinclair, an aloof billionaire who has many secrets. Robert has a son, Tyler, who is even more mysterious. Tyler also appears to have many secrets and a death wish as well.  

Chloe Ohlsen is a small petite women who is brilliant and very talkative. She works with Marcus and Charlie. She usually works from the sidelines, but this time she’s pulled into the action.  You’ll find her antics very amusing.

Lois Landle is a beautiful, nosy reporter trying to break a big story. She develops romantic feelings for Marcus, but will that prevent her from pursuing a story that could change the world?

Michael Teniffog is a self-serving megalomaniac who is trying to destroy the Angel Society and Robert Sinclair.  

Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?  

Totally from my imagination, although there traits of people I know or of myself in each character.

Are you consciously aware of the plot before you begin a novel or do you discover it as you write? 

I have the beginning and end figured out, but everything else is made up during the writing process. It’s fun not knowing what’s going to happen next yourself.

Open the book to page 69.  What is happening? 

Marcus wakes up next to the beautiful Lois Landle, but has no memory of the encounter. Very entertaining scene.

Have you suffered from writer’s block and what do you do to get back on track? 

I definitely have. I usually move on to another scene.

Which holiday is your favorite and why?  

Christmas, because it’s my son’s favorite holiday. I enjoy watching it through his eyes.

What do you like to do for fun? 

I love to read, but golf is also a big passion of mine. I usually play three times a week.

What kind of advice would you give other fiction authors?  

Only write if you love it, because it is an enormous effort, with a high probability of little financial success. Make sure you produce a quality product, which means, edit, edit, and keep editing.

About the Book:

Marcus Evans is a new kind of super hero.  Born with superhuman strength, he is compelled to join the Army Rangers, where his abilities create an unique assassin against the war on terror.  After his stent with the Rangers, he joins forces with reclusive billionaire, Robert Sinclair, who has been his mentor and father-figure since the age of sixteen.  A whirlwind of action-packed adventures lead Marcus to the discovery of an alien spaceship that unlock secrets about his life, which will shock him to his very core, secrets that Robert has been hiding his entire life.   

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