Interview with Hayley Rose, author of children's picture book 'The Do's and Don'ts'

Multi-award-winning author Hayley Rose released her first children’s book, Fifo When I Grow Up, about a six-year-old bear starting school in 2002, followed by the wildly popular geography book and #1 best-seller, Fifo 50 States, published in 2010. In 2012, Hayley was selected as one of “The Top 50 Writers You Should Be Reading” by In 2013, she branched out with a new series featuring a new set of characters, Zach and Chloe the Louis the manner monster. Her new book, The Do’s and Don’ts, was released in September 2013 and has already garnered four literary awards, including the Readers’ Favorite, USA Best Books and the prestigious Mom’s Choice Awards, bringing her career total to twenty-one. The follow up book in the new series, Today I Feel Emotion, will be released in the spring of 2014.

Hayley Lives in Scottsdale, AZ, with her dog Blanche.

Visit her website at

About the Book:

The Do’s and Don’ts is a whimsical lesson book aimed at teaching young readers the difference between good and bad behavior/etiquette. In the book Zack and Chloe go from being manner monsters to well-behaved children as they provide samples of typical scenarios that not only young children encounter but can relate to. For example, Zack becomes a Manner Monster when he loses a game, kicking and pouting like a poor sport. In contract, good behavior is then modeled depicting Zack congratulating the winning team. Unlike other etiquette books for children that tell a story or just communicate positive behavior, The Do’s and Don’ts compares and contrasts between good and bad behavior. Simply, yet colorfully displayed, are examples of inappropriate behavior and decisions young children may display followed by behavior and decisions that are more socially accepted. Each compare and contrast anecdote is set in the same scene so that young readers can instantly see the differences between good and poor behavior.


Why did you write your book?

I was inspired to write The Do's and Don'ts after spending time with my goddaughter and godson.    This book is my way of teaching them how to be thoughtful, respectful and considerate of others round them.  The Do’s and Don’ts is packed full of lessons like don’t cut in lines or interrupt others while they are talking, to don’t be a bad sport if you don’t win the game or talk with your mouth full of food.  I have also included lessons on how to stay safe, like don’t open the door to strangers and be sure to look both ways before crossing a street.  Good manners help to better relationships with those around you.

Which holiday is your favorite and why?

Christmas.  To me, it’s all about family and friends, food and fun.  It’s a very charitable time of year and I love that. 

If we were to meet for lunch to talk books, where would we go?

I have a coffee addiction.  There, I said it.  There is a fabulous place in Scottsdale, Arizona called The Village Coffee Roastery, where the coffee is freshly roasterd and the food is flavorful!  We could sit all day long drinking vanilla breves and discussing books.  A little bit of heaven really.

What do you like to do for fun?

I love to travel.  Whether it’s a day trip to Sedona or a week in Karlovy Vary, I love to explore new places.

What do you like the most about being an author?

The most rewarding part of being an author is when your readers tell you how much they love your work, and how it’s inspired them to learn about something new. Knowing that what you’ve written has a positive impact on someone, and that you’ve made a difference is an incredible reward.

What kind of advice would you give other fiction authors?

That’s a hard question for me as I write non-fiction picture books.  However, I would say write what makes you happy, believe in yourself and join a critique group.  Also, attend conferences.  The more educated you are about your craft the better prepared you will be for whatever may come your way.