Guest post by Alyson Flippo, author of 'Addie B. Strong - I Am So Strong'

I am a new writer so for me there was, and still is a lot to learn about not only writing but the publishing and promotion aspects of getting a book to market and then letting them know it’s out there.  For the writing part, I am often awake in the middle of the night worrying about one thing or another.  This first book, and the two others I am currently working on, came to me on one of these nights.  Sometimes it comes all at once, and sometimes in pieces.  I personally will get out of bed however many times it takes in a night to jot the thoughts down on paper.  If I don’t do it immediately, I will often forget or I won’t recollect them in their original form.  As for the publishing part, after doing a great deal of research on traditional versus self-publishing, I decided to go the self-publishing route.  Admittedly, my husband, a very smart and resourceful person, really took over this part for me and he deserves all the credit here.  Promotion is fun as it is another opportunity to be creative and to make use of the myriad of opportunities available through social media.  This book is such a pleasure for me to promote because it is really just me trying to share a positive message to the world which is so clearly needed now more than ever.


Alyson Flippo is the author of Addie B. Strong – I Am So Strong, released Fall 2013. Ms. Flippo’s book was inspired by the desire to remind each and every reader of their vast potential – the strength that comes from inside.

Given her own challenges as a young girl growing up, she was determined to do something to try to make a difference for our young girls of today.  The story of Addie B. Strong her way of helping our girls focus on their strength and self-worth, instead of more superficial characteristics.  She wants to help inspire our girls to see that they are amazing, not because of how they look but because of what they can do; that the only person they need to impress is themselves; that the sky is not the limit and there is nothing they cannot do.

An only child, Ms. Flippo grew up in Hackensack, New Jersey, and graduated from New Jersey’s Ramapo State College with a degree in business administration.  Prior to her writing career, she spent 20 years as a paralegal at several East Coast law firms. She currently lives in South Florida with her husband and children, pursuing her passions which include eating ice cream daily, playing hide-and-seek, and spreading the love along with Addie B. Strong

Alyson is currently touring the blogosphere with The National Writing for Children Center. 

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