Jack Duffy is an attorney from Fort Worth, Texas.
The Man from 2063 is
his first book. On November 22, 1963 he was in school at Bruce Shulkey
Elementary when he heard the news about President Kennedy’s
assassination. His parents were at the breakfast in Fort Worth, Texas,
that morning when President Kennedy gave his last speech. In 1970 he
saw the Zapruder film for the first time. He has been researching the
JFK assassination since then. He has interviewed many eyewitnesses
including Marina Oswald and several Parkland physicians who treated
JFK. He has met many researchers who have written books on the
assassination. He came up with the idea for a time travel novel in
1998. He has one of the largest private collections of materials on the
JFK assassination. He graduated from Texas Tech University with a B.A.
in Political Science. He then earned an M.B.A from Baylor University.
He then graduated from South Texas School of Law with a J.D. He is an
Eagle Scout.
Who are some of the key people connected with the JFK assassination who died suspiciously?
William Pitzer is one of the most important strange
deaths. Pitzer was a naval commander who took the photos and X-rays of
JFK’s autopsy. Pitzer told his family he was going to go public with
the photos after he retired from the Navy. He was threatened with court
martial if he talked about the autopsy. He was visited by CIA
agents and warned not to reveal what he had observed at the autopsy.
Pitzer made a 16 mm film of the autopsy. In the mid 1960′s a Green
Beret was asked to kill Pitzer for the CIA. He refused to kill him.
Later Pitzer was found dead in his lab at Bethesda naval hospital. His
death was ruled a suicide. His 16mm film disappeared. Dorothy
Kilgallen was a reporter for the NY times. She was the only person to
ever have a private interview with Jack Ruby. She later told people she
was going to blow the JFK assassination story wide open. She was found
dead in her NY apartment. Her death was ruled a suicide from a drug
overdose. Albert Bogard was a used car salesman who met a man who
claimed he was Oswald at his car lot. He later said the man was not the
real Oswald. Bogard passed a lie detector and recieved death threats.
He was found dead in his garage. A hose had been connected to his cars
exhaust pipe and put in the window. His death was ruled a suicide.
George DeMohrenschildt was a close friend of Oswald’s. DeMorenschildt
worked for the CIA. In March 1977, he committed suicide with a shotgun
at his home in Florida hours before he was to be interviewed by an
investigator from the HSCA. Several high ranking mobsters were murdered
before they could be brought to Washington D.C. to testify before the
What is the single bullet theory?
The single bullet theory was developed by Arlen Specter
who was a junior lawyer on the Warren Commission. The theory is that
one of the bullets fired by Oswald from the School Book Depository hit
JFK in the back of the neck, exited his throat, hit Gov. Connally in the
back, struck one of his ribs, exited his chest, entered his wrist
shattering it and then ended up in his thigh. The bullet was later
recovered from a stretcher in Parkland hospital. The bullet was
Commission exhibit 399 and had very little damage to it. It has been
called ‘The Magic Bullet” by critiics of the Warren Commission.
What are some of the problems with the single bullet theory?
First, Gov. Connally never agreed with it. Connally was
an experienced hunter and testified that one bullet did not hit him and
JFK. Connally said he was hit by a separate bullet. The surgeons who
operated on Connally disagreed with the theory. They said the
trajectory of the bullet that wounded Connally proved it could not
have hit JFK first. JFK’s shirt and coat prove the bullet entered his
back several inches below his neck and could not possibly have exited
from his throat. Autopsy photos show the location of the back wound on
JFK. One of the pathologists at the autopsy stuck his finger in JFK’s
back wound and could not feel any point of exit. An Admiral present at
the autopsy ordered the pathologists not to track the back wound. Tests
done at firearms labs with the same ammunition that Oswald allegedly
used show bullets that are flattened out completely after being fired
into cadavers wrists. More bullet fragments are present in
Connally’s wrist X-rays than are missing from CE 399.
Is there evidence that JFK’s head wound was caused by a different type of ammunition than Oswald allegedly used?
Yes. X-rays of JFK’s skull reveal a snowflake pattern of
small bullet fragments scattered throughout JFK’s brain. This is
indicative of a hollow point or dum dum bullet that explodes on impact
and fragments into dozens of pieces. This is the type of bullet
often used by the Mafia and CIA because it is almost impossible to trace
and causes massive damage to the victim. Oswald was allegedly using
military jacketed ammunition which does does not explode into dozens of
fragments like a hollow point bullet.
Were gunmen observed on the Grassy Knoll several days before JFK was killed?
Yes. On Wednesday, November 20, 1963 two Dallas police
officers were driving down Elm Street through Dealey Plaza when they saw
two men dressed in suits and ties standing behind the picket fence with
high powered rifles. The policemen ran up the knoll however the men
drove away in a car before the officers could catch them. The police
officers made a report about the incident. The report was buried by the
FBI until the HSCA discovered it during their investigation of the
assassination in the 1970′s.